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Yes! If everyone is working in unison, you should be more productive.

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Q: Do you think Productivity is higher in unionized workplace?
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"Should" is a value judgement, meaning it's up to the individual company. Many employers find that it's an investment that pays off in terms of decreased absenteeism, improved productivity and higher worker satisfaction. Others take a narrow view and think it's a waste of money.

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Extremely important, practically essential. Without unions, corporations could do whatever they want which means treating all lower employees like garbage and pay them next to nothing. Corporations are one of the most corrupt things in this country and without unions they could do anything and they will do anything for money. Employees who are unionized tend to have higher pay and treated better than non-unionized employees

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It's a fruit that people eat. Explain why you think it should have "productivity" ( which means 'The quality of being productive.' )

Should Walmart be unionized why or why not?

Yes, and no. There are currently no unionized walmart associates (workers) in the United States. At one time a few meat-cutters were unionized, but that fell apart. Now walmart has only pre-packaged meat. In Canada however there are unionized workers. Most people are familiar with the store that shut down after forming a union, but another has popped up, and others are pending certification.

What are some examples of a workplace document?

ReservationContractInstructionsI think xD

What are some phrases pertaining to privacy in the workplace?

It appears no one could think of phrases pertaining to privacy in the workplace. Privacy is a legal right.

What organization guaranteed workplace safety?

If the workplace is secure the employees are more loyal with the company and you can enjoy more productivty from them. no room for workplace accidents! think about getting safety barriers or safety bollards as they are really effective.

How can hunman relation increase productivity?

First of all, I think you meant human relations. But aside from that, I think that it's pretty obvious that if employees get along well, they are more likely to work together to tackle obstacles. We all know that answers to problems are easier to find if you have help. Also, good relations in the office keep people relaxed and stress levels low. These all add up to higher productivity.

Would it be considered workplace bullying to haze a co-worker?

In the US, any type of hazing would be considered workplace bullying. Because hazing would cause workplace disturbances and a hostile work environment, the parties responsible for harassing another worker could face disciplinary actions and firing. Depending on the severity, and your employer's response, termination could be immediate, especially if you are employed "at will" of the employer or "at their pleasure"--meaning, the employer does not really need a reason to terminate your employment (so don't give the employer any reason to do so). Besides the risks to your employment, people must think about the personal cost of workplace harassment and bullying. It affects feelings of safety, employee morale, and productivity as well.

Who of these can employees with workplace knowledge do?

think on their feet to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities as they arise

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It can be, but not always. Think of the workplace; one colleague gets promoted, the other doesn't.