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Q: Do you think Stephenie Meyer should continue the Twilight series?
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Why should you read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer?

you shouldn't.

Can you read part two of chapter 16 in midnight sun that someone rewrote on fanfiction?

I can tell you where to find the original chapter. Stephenie Meyer ( the author of the twilight series) posted what she had done of Midnight Sun on her website click on the twilight series then twilight and it should be in there somewhere.

Who convinces Stephenie Meyer that she should publish Twilight?

Her sister, Emily.

If you enjoyed The Host by Stephenie Meyer what should you read next?

defnutly TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are good books that I should read over the summer?

Here is a list of books: * 'Warriors' by Erin Hunter * 'Watership Down' by Richard Adams * The 'Twilight' series by Stephenie Meyer * The 'Discworld' series by Terry Pratchett

What was Stephenie Meyer 1st book?

Twilight was the very first book Stephenie Meyer wrote AND published. She had never written a book in her life and wasn't even planning to have Twilight published. It was for her personal enjoyment up until her sister Emily convinced her she should try to it get it published. :)

What books did Stephenie Meyer do?

The Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse + Breaking Dawn. She began to rewrite Twilight from Edward's perspective but stopped after it was leaked on the internet. It will be called Midnight Sun. She has also written 'The Host' and the next book in this series 'The Soul' should be released soon.

Will there be a book in the Twilight series called Midnight Sun?

Yes, there is going to be a book called Midnight Sun. Midnight Sun is a book that will share Edward's perspective, however, there are rumors that Stephenie Meyer, author of the series is not doing it any more, as the book got leaked onto the internet and Stephenie believes that she should wait a while.

Are there more than five Twilight books?

There are, in fact more than five "Twilight" books. Four of them ("Twilight", "New Moon", "Eclipse", "Breaking Dawn") are written in Bella's point of view. The newest Twilight book Meyer is writing is called "Midnight Sun". This is "Twilight" written in Edward's point of view. (It's very good, I highly recommend it. Just go to Stephenie's official website, select Twilight series, go to Midnight Sun on the menu on the left and you should be able to find the [artial draft somewhere on that page.) Stephenie has declared that she is most likely not going to write the other three "Twilight" books in Edward's point of view. If you're looking for anything "Twilight" type of text, just go to Stephenie's website, and you should find some posts about all of the things coming out from her Webmaster.

Is there any chance Stephenie Meyer will rewrite any of the other books in the Twilight series from the perspecitve of the character Edward Cullen?

Actually, she IS. If you go to her website, it should let you download most of it. Its called Midnight Sun. I really think a true Twilight fan would like it.

Why did Stephenie Meyer entitled the book as twilight?

If you have read the book Twilight and payed attention, you should have read that Edward told Bella that the safest time was during Twilight. Twilight is the safest time for them to be together, right when the sun is setting.

Who is The Host by?

The Host is another book (but not in the twilight series) by Stephenie meyer. It's her first book that is for adults but even if you aren't a grown up you can still read it. it's awesome!!!!!!!!!! Stephenie Meyer also wrote these books: Twilight, (which is now on dvd) New Moon, Eclipse,and Breaking Dawn. If you haven't yet you should read all four. They are all about Bella Swan and Edward Cullen.