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Long Distance relationships are complicated. You can not allow yourself to expect too much from that kind of relationship. I know, trust me . and sometimes it seems the farther away they are the stronger your love is. But to answer your question wether long distance gets you confused about the relationship or not, the answer should be no. If you truly love them ; you will love them until you can be together again . That's how i see it . Long distance love takes courage and you need to be strong to handle it . It gets really hard & sometimes you feel like you should let go. But listen to THAT voice, the one that tells you you still need to hang on. But of course its up to you. It depends how you are , who you are. Im in love with someone who lives seven hours away from me; in a diffrent country. & Ive never been confused about the feelings I have for him. NEVER.

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Q: Do you think long distance can make you confused about your relationship even though you love them very much?
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I think every relationship should go through long distance relationships, because distance makes the heart grow fonder.

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It can last a long time if you are both committed. I have been in a long distance relationship for 7 months

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if he was cheating on a long distance relationship he could be telling the truth or lieing. think about it, has he ever lied to you before

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Yes im in one

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I think of intimacy, (not to be confused with sex) a closeness or connection 2 people have with each other. The reason being because that's what it is.

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I do not think there is any difference in a Christian long distance relationship from any other kind. Any long distance relationship is hard to have as both of the parties in the relationship have to deal with being apart from one another.

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no if you really want to now he never had a relationship with Grindleward therefor he is not gay or when he was young confused

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It is only possible if both sides of the relationship work at keeping the relationship alive.

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Long distance relationship Online relationship See each other every day relationship That's all I can think about so......

Can you have a long distance relationship even though you will probably never see him in actual life?

The most you can hope for is a long distance friendship. If two people fall in love they need to see and touch that person and since you will never see them then it is pointless to think there will be a romantic relationship if that is what you are thinking. There is nothing wrong with keeping in touch on a friendship basis, but if you want a love relationship do it the old fashion way and get out and meet people.