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Yes, because its just a way for someone to express how unique they are.

And they shouldnt be told that they cant just be themselfs! Just saying, some schools have the most strict rules that are unessisary!

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12y ago
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13y ago

You really don't understand why until you're out of school, and you've had the chance to mature. Now before I say anything further, let me clarify that I started piercing myself at the age of 12 with safety pins because I was that "punk rock" at that age (cringes in self loathing). By around the age of 14 I had transitioned into learning about body piercing and then started to do things correctly, and by the time I was in the 10th grade, I had my ears stretched and had no less than five piercings in my face, and really felt persecuted that they cracked down on me so much. However, I toughed all of this out, and later became a body piercer and tattoo artist, though now I just do tattoos.

In hindsight, even though I was simply being myself and doing what made me happy, you really have to embrace the old saying by your parents that "You're there to learn" and "It's not a fashion show!". Primarily, piercings are a distraction...for better or worse when your at that age. They just really are. People ALWAYS have comments about them, the "cool" kids will always make fun of you for them, the teachers will all give you the eye for them, they are weak points in a fight, and they're JOB STOPPERS for the most part...especially when you're young on top of having a face full of metal. I started to stretch my ears back in '96, and got looks like I was from the planet (pathetically) they're common, but you still get flack for them.

So look at the issue from both sides I'd say. The rules are in place for a good reason, but there certainly comes a time when discrimination is discrimination.

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14y ago

Sure, as long as they are kept clean and looked after there should be no issue. Now to qualify that statement, common sense needs to be used when getting a piercing and there should be a limit on how much is acceptable. Logic dictates that if you get a piercing you can't be forced to remove it until it's healed completely ( all piercings are considered healed after a year ). If you play sports and you can't have jewellery in eyebrows or nostrils then don't get the piercing until that sport season is over. Schools are the door step to the future, schools need to get the heads out of there hind quarters and start realizing this is something they need to address.

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