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Yes, Uther did.

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Q: Do you think that Uther made the best decision for Arthur and the country?
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Who raised King Arthur?

Sir Ector and some think Merlin raised him. Merlin did not raise Arthur. Merlin helped Uther quench his lust for Igraine and therefore conceive Arthur but for a price. Merlin told Uther he would help if Uther consented to give up the child that would be conceived in that union. Uther of course said yes--never mind what Igraine, the mother might feel, but this was a different time from ours! Merlin knew the child--Arthur--was special and assured Uther that the babe would be raised by a man of honor--Ector.

When is uther going to die in the bbc Merlin series?

I think he'll die in the middle of series 5, after arthur knows about merlin's magic and gets used to it (end of series 4). He dies of a battle wound or illness.

Why is King Arthur's story called a legend?

i think it is a fabel i think it is a fabel

Who is the father of Uther Pendragon?

Uther pendragon's father is different in different sources . In the traditional histories , he is the son of Constantine II , who himself was the son of Constantine the great . Assuming that Constantine and his wife's conception of Constantine II was on the day Constantine i died ( it could not have been later ) Constantine would have been born no earlier than 338 AD . As arthur , son of uther , was born in 479 , and his father , uther , then , presumably around 427 , it seems highly unlikely that Constantine had a child at age 89 , so most modern chronologists assume that uther 's " brother " , Constans , was really his father , Constans himself being the son of Constantine II . But constans was a monk , and therefore celibate , so there are two explanations a. that he swore celibacy either after the death of his wife or after he had married b. that constans was never a monk , and constans " brother " , really father , of uther , is confused with uthers true brother , Moines , which can be translated as Mynach , meaning monk . Moines's real name is unsure . Moines and Uther also had another brother , Aurelius Ambrosius , who died married and childless to Artesia . As for these three sibling's mother , that is uncertain , but i always like to think that she was a former monk , and that is where Moines got the idea . Infact , i title their mother , Moina , literally , Female monk . I in fact invented a story where Moina has a deranged sister named Louise who wreaks havoc for the sake of a maiden named Laeria , but that is another story . I alwways pretend these siblings are a child of a monk , called Moines as well .

Show me King Arthur's Family Tree?

Unknown King Arthur Stories are mainly myth and fantasy ! we dont even know if he existed let alone his parentage . However popular story tells us that his Father was Uther Pendragon who decieved the lady Igraine, with Merlins help, by taking on the form of her husband in order to lie with her, Arthur being the result of this union.

Related questions

Who was king after uther?

The king after Uther was King Arthur, I think

Who raised King Arthur?

Sir Ector and some think Merlin raised him. Merlin did not raise Arthur. Merlin helped Uther quench his lust for Igraine and therefore conceive Arthur but for a price. Merlin told Uther he would help if Uther consented to give up the child that would be conceived in that union. Uther of course said yes--never mind what Igraine, the mother might feel, but this was a different time from ours! Merlin knew the child--Arthur--was special and assured Uther that the babe would be raised by a man of honor--Ector.

When is uther going to die in the bbc Merlin series?

I think he'll die in the middle of series 5, after arthur knows about merlin's magic and gets used to it (end of series 4). He dies of a battle wound or illness.

What event allowed Arthur to become king in Camelot?

The Sword in the Stone. After Arthur's father died (Uther Pendgraon), it was naturally assumed that Arthur would take the throne. But there was uproar from the kingdom as other knights felt that they were far worthier to be king than Arthur. So, Merlin took Uther's sword (not Excalibur), and magically fixed it inside a stone and inscribed on the stone that whoever is able to pull the sword out of the stone, then they would be the rightful king of Camelot and assume the position. Plenty of men tried their luck, but none of them managed to succeed. Arthur pulling the sword out of the stone was actually a big coincidence. He was to help someone or enter himself, in a fighting tournament and he (or the other person) had forgotten their sword. (I think the person was Arthur's brother. I don't know. A little hazy.) Arthur spotted the sword in the stone and thought that was weird but didn't think much of it. He pulled it out with no effort and ran back to the tournament. And that is how Arthur became the king of Camelot.

Was sir lancelot king Arthur's foster brother?

No. I can't believe you think that. Anyway sorry, it's just I've never heard anyone ask that. Lancelot was fostered by the Lady of the Lake after his father King Ban of Gaul (roughly present day France) died. Arthur was fostered (years earlier) by Sir Ector, a faithful knight of his biological father Uther Pendragon. Arthur had a foster brother named Sir Kay. So actually Sir Kay was Arthur's foster brother. Hope I helped.

When is Arthur and the invisibles 2 coming out?

It is out and might even not be shown any longer. It depends which country you live in. I don't think it's on DVD yet.

Why was arthur not able to think freely like hester?

Arthur was under the old man's power hence could not think freely.

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What do you think about Dr. Goldberger’s decision to experiment on people?

What is the island country that was the home of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table's name start with I?

Umm.... Ingland? I can't think of any "I" islands that are associated with King Arthur. There's Great Britain, of course, and Avalon (where he supposedly went after being mortally wounded).

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think about the decision that you are making

Was chester arthur from Ohio?

Yes I think he was.

Why do you think Arthur agrees to let Mordred break into the queen's room if Lancelot is there?

Arthur is curious if this is true