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Vikings did not have the right to attack on other countries. They should of stay out of the way.

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Q: Do you think the vikings were justified to attack and invade other countries?
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Did people hate vikings?

Some countries did not like the Vikings because they would invade their lands and pillage, rape, murder, destroy.

What modern-day countries did the Vikings invade?

soviet union, iceland, England, Ireland, belgium, Netherlands, France and corsica

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When did the vikings invade the Americas?

when there moms told them to

Where did the vikings invade from?

Norway, Sweden, Denmark.

How did the vikings invade Britain?

This is true.

Why did the vikings invade spain?

nothing much u

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No. They were hired soldiers of the ruler of Constantinople.

When did the vikings invade Norway?

they didnt because that was thei home turf

What direction did vikings come from to invade Europe?

north (scandanavia)

Would England still be the same today if the Vikings had invaded?

The Vikings DID invade so the answer to your question is "yes." There are still place names in the UK that were given by the Vikings.