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Maybe, but it depends on the score. When there are no more letters to play, the game ends. If you use all you letters, you get the points from the letters on your opponent's rack. Look at the final score -- the one with the highest point total wins.

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Q: Do you win at scrabble if you put all your letters down first?
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Who goes first in scrabble?

All letters are placed face down on the board. Each player then draws one tile. The player drawing the letter nearest to the beginning of the alphabet plays first.

If you use all your letters does the scrabble game end?

The game ends when all the letter tiles of a player (the first to finish) are exhausted/used/played on the scrabble board.

What are the only single letters in scrabble?

All scrabble letters are single letters. There are 100 single tiles in the game of Scrabble. You get one each of the following letters: K, J, X, Q, Z.

Do you get extra points if you finish first in scrabble?

The game ends when you use all your letters and there are no other letters left from which to draw. You get a bonus score equal to the point value of the letters left on your opponents rack.

In Scrabble do all connecting letters have to form a word?


Are all scrabble letters made of wood?

No. Most are made of plastic these days.

What is scrabble rule concerning one letter you can't use?

There are no Scrabble rules prohibiting the use of any letters. The purpose of the game is to try to use all the letters to spell words.

What are scrabble words using the letters t o p m i r?

All letters used, you can form the word: import.

How is the game of scrabble started?

All tiles are placed on the board face down. Each player draws one tile to determine who will play first. The player with the letter nearest to the beginning of the alphabet becomes the first player. The tiles are then placed back on the board face down. Each player then draws 7 tiles, The first player then combines 2 or more of his letters to form a word and places them on the board to read either across or down with one letter on the center square. His score is then counted and recorded. He then draws as many tiles as he has played, thus always keeping 7 letters in his rack. Play then passes to the left. The 2nd player, and then each in turn, adds one or more letters to those already played so as to form new words. All letters played in any one turn must be placed in one row across or down on the board.

What words can you make if you rearrange these letters NCINPET?

There are no English Scrabble words that use all those letters only one time each.

What are scrabble words using the letters v u o j a c x?

There are no words in the Scrabble dictionary using all of these letters. With a minimum of three letters: avo coax cox coxa juco oca ova vac vau vox

Do you get to use double word in scrabble if you use all your letters?

Yes, that is called a "bingo." You will also get any double or triple letters or words you play.