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Everyone likes different things. Some people like gold and some like siver; some like bronze or copper or nickel or other metals, too!

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Q: Do young women prefer gold or silver rings for everyday wear?
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What is the tradition for a widowed woman and wearing her wedding ring?

Some widowed women prefer to keep their wedding rings on the same finger they always have. Other widowed women will put their wedding rings on their right hand (if not European as they wear their wedding rings on the right hand.) Yet still some widowed women are still grieving and want to leave their wedding rings on for awhile until she feels comfortable enough to put her wedding rings away for safe keeping and then strikes out into her future as a single woman. Some women may hope to get married again and many do whether they are in their 50s up. There are many widowers or divorced men out there that are lonely as well. Other widowed women feel they loved their husbands so much and will never take the rings off and prefer not to get married again. It is the individual widowed woman's choice.

Are gold or silver wedding rings more preferable to women?

This question does not have a single answer because every woman is different and has her own personal preference and style. The trend as of late, however, has been with silver or white gold rings. But, again, this is a generalization and does not work for every woman.

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The decision to wear your wedding rings when separated and in the process of divorcing is up to each individual woman. Some women prefer to leave their wedding rings on because they do not want to be bothered too soon by other men, but many women take the rings off and leave them off as they are no longer in a partnership with their spouse.

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Mood rings were available in both Women's and men's styles.

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No, they prefer women and not men dressing and living like women.

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No, not really. Some men may prefer to control women, but 99% do not.

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if you have power you will get women

What are some popular materials used in crafting women's rings?

Women's rings come in a variety of materials to cater to different styles and preferences.

Do men in their thirties prefer women in their twenties over women in their thirties?

men in their thirties prefer anyone who he is atracted to and is willing to be intimate.

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How do fat women date since guys obviously prefer thinner women?

Many men prefer a bigger girl and for some looks aren't as important as personality. It's an incorrect assumption that guys obviously prefer thinner women.