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Q: Do young women who smoke weed grow facial hair?
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Can women grow beards?

Yes!! some lady grew the longest female beard of about four inches?

Why in girls face hair is not come?

Because it is testosterone that makes facial hair grow in men and although women do have testosterone it is at a much lower level than in men that is why women do not have facial hair.

Can women grow facial hair?

Most older women begin to develop a stray facial hair along the chin. Also, with some endrocrine disorders, women can develop more facial hair. Circuses in the last century often featured "The Bearded Lady" among other persons with "odd" medical conditions.

When do you call your self as women?

You call yourself as a women during your lifetime if you are a woman. Young girls grow and mature and become young women and as they age they become women, then mature women.

Can a woman grow facial hair herself?

yeah sure if you want !! However, women's hormones affects the growth of facial hair (e.g. progesterone slower the growth facial hair growth), so normally you wont get the same thick facial hair that men have

Does birth control make you grow facial hair?

no, the birth control pill contains hormones which prevent hair growth in women.

30 years old have no facial hair Is there a way to grow facial hair?

Hmmm...interesting question. In my opinion, I don't think you CAN grow facial hair if your body doesn't already. But why would you?? If it's for attracting the opposite sex, then not ALL women like facial hair....but with the way technology and science is advancing in this day-and-age, maybe. I would suggest you ask your doctor. You got problems.if u are thirty and no facial hair ever grown go to the could have a procedure where they insert facial hair into your pours and it will grow continuoesly but it cost alot of money.

Will l-arginine make you grow more facial hair?

will l-arginine make you grow facial hair

Why does beards grow only for boys and long hairs only for girls?

Guy can grow long hair, but facial hair is due to the levels testosterone men have more than women.

What can you get to make your facial grow?


Will I be able to grow a beard My brother and dad both can I'm 16 and can't really grow any facial hair at all?

Yes. You are still young and when you will be past 16 years it is obvious that you will grow a beard as your father or brother.

What are some facial hair removal products?

Facial hair removal products for men usually entail a razor and shaving foam or gel. Facial hair removal products for women include Veet waxing strips, Nair facial hair removing cream and Olay smooth finish facial hair remover. Women may shave also but this is not generally recommended because the hair may grow back in a more noticeable manner. Bleach is also an option to those women who do not wish to remove the hair and just want to make it less noticeable.