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no it do not hurt

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Q: Does 12 year old booster shots hurt?
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Do you have to give shots to your pitbull?

When they are 4 months old give the combination shot. Then, when they are 1 year, give them the booster shot and the rabies vaccine.

How old does kittens need to be get vaccinations?

Vaccine protocols differ based upon the exact vaccine given as well as the individual cat's health and the clinic's standing practices. There are two major protocols: annually and triennually. The annual protocol starts with one or two vaccines as a kitten, a booster at one year and then a booster every year thereafter. The triennual protocol starts with one or two vaccines as a kitten, a booster at one year then a booster every three years thereafter.

When can a child stop using a booster seat?

It depends on the parents decision. But I wouldn't put a 10-12 year old child in a booster seat.If they're over 3'5 then they don't have to have a booster seat. What helps is to not have a booster seat and have just a cushion/ pillow underneath there bottom so that the seat belt doesn't hurt their stomach or hurt anything else.

Age for rs bies shots?

The best age for rabies shots in dogs is between 12 and 16 weeks old. The shots can be good for five to seven years before a booster shot is needed, depending on the shot. The veterinarian administering the shot will have more information.

Can a 7 year old girl sit in a booster seat?

Most seven year old girls should still be in a booster seat. So yes, she can, especially if the parent does not feel comfortable with letting her out of it yet.

What shots does a 4 year old need?

The shots that a 4 year old need in the US are DTaP, MMR, IPV and Varicella. These immunizations are administered between the ages of 4 and 6 years old.

What ages should puppies get their booster shots?

Most vets recommend boosters every 3-4 weeks until pups are four months old.

Could an 8 year old sit in the front seat of a car with a booster?


Does a praying mantis sting hurt a 9 year old?

praying mantids do not sting the front arms of the mantid has many sharp spines witch can puncture skin and if it can hurt a 15 year old it can hurt a nine year old.

Should I take my 12 year old out of her booster seat?

Whether or not your 12-year-old needs a booster seat in the car depends upon the laws of your state. Each state seems to have different rules about age/weight/height requirements.

What does old gas do to your engine?

It can burn a little smokey but that really wont hurt your motor. If you are worried about burning old gas just get an octain booster and add it to the tank of gas.

Can a two year old use a booster seat?

It's reconended that you use a booster seat up until the age of 5 ears old, or until you're tall enough, but technocally, it is for your parents to decide.