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I heard that it comes every 400 years.

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How often does a 31-day month begin on a Saturday?

The average occurrence is once every 1.0025 years (during every 400 years it happens 399 times).

How many seconds are in 130000 years?

Since the Georgian Calender repeats itself over 400 years, and the rules to the Georgian calender state that there is a leap year once every 4 years, but not one that is divisible by 100 unless also divisible by 400, there is 146,097 days every 400 years. There are exactly 325 cycles of 400 years in 130000 years, so we have 47,481,525 days. Each day is 86,400 seconds long, so multiplying the previous two figures give 4,102,403,760,000 seconds.Remember this figure is before taking into account of leap seconds.

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400 years

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Approximately 400 years.

When do the forbes american 400 richest lists come out?

March of every year.

How often in years does October 25 fall on a Monday in the Gregorian Calendar?

The Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years. In 56 years of every 400-year period, the 25th of October falls on a Monday. That's an average of 14 years per century.

How often does february have 5 Wednesdays?

exactly 59 times every 400 years... From 1928 through 2096 it happens exactly every 28 years.

Leap year occers every what year?

Every 4 years, in years divisible by 4 - with exceptions at the end of each century (years divisible by 100). Years divisible by 400, however, are leap years.

How many years apart does leap occur?

Every 4 years except that centuries are nut leap years unless they are divisible by 400.

How many times the 29th of a month occur in 400 consecutive years?

Every 4 years is a leap yea so 400/4=100 100*12=1200 Leftover is 300*11=3300 So 3300+1200= 4500 times in 400 years.

How often doese a leap year occur?

Once every four years, but not on a century year (like 1800 or 1700) unless that century year is also divisible by 400 (like 1200, 1600, or 2000)

Was 1965 a leap year?

No, 1965 was not a leap year. Leap years occur every 4 years, with the exception of years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400.