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Q: Does Alabama or Mississippi have a shorter coast on the Gulf of Mexico?
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Is Alabama east or west of Mississippi?

Mississippi is west of Alabama

Is California considered gulf coast?

No. The 'Gulf Coast' is synonym to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, including the states of Florida, Louisiana or Texas. California is actually on the Pacific Coast.

What states have shorelines on the gulf of Mexico?

States that have a coast on the Gulf of Mexico include Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Other states have coasts on the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.

Does the Gulf coast lacks barrier islands?

There are actually several barrier islands along the coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico. Some of the more populated are the barrier islands along the Mississippi and Alabama coast near Mobile Bay.

Is Alabama on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico?

Yes, it is.

Is Mississippi on the gulf coast?

Mississippi is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico to the south.

Name the gulf off the southeast coast of the US?

The gulf off the Southeast Coast of the United States would be the Gulf of Mexico. The states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida border this gulf.

Which state is adjacent to the gulf of Mexico Mississippi or Oregon?

Oregon is on the US Pacific Coast. Mississippi borders the Gulf of Mexico

What states coast lines are affected by the oil?

So far as of June 9, 2010; Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Every state with a coastline on the Gulf of Mexico.

What is one physical feature of Mississippi?

it has a coast on the gulf of mexico

What states make up the Gulf Coast Region of the US?

The Gulf Coast region of the US is primarily made up of the following states: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. This region is known for its warm climate, beautiful beaches, and unique cultural heritage.

Is Alabama east coast or west coast?

It is neither. It is of the Gulf Of Mexico so I guess you could call it the South Coast.