

Does Alex Mercr die in Prototype?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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11y ago

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no, he did not die in prototype, he can't, the only way he can is that he gets consumed .... ((spoiler alert))

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Q: Does Alex Mercr die in Prototype?
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Will there be a sequel to Prototype?

yes because alex mercer did not get revenge on his creator.

On prototype 2 will there still be alex mercer?

Yes, but you will play as Sgt. James Heller instead, who will use his powers (similar to Alex Mercer's) to kill Alex Mercer.

Does alex mercer come back in prototype 3?

It is possible that Alex comes back in prototype 3 as the director of radical entertainment stated with a smile, "a virus can spread if not contained properly" with this you have a hope that he will come back and be the main character in prototpe 3.

What is the main character in prototype?

The main character in the game Prototype is Alex Mercer, a man who gains shape-shifting abilities and sets out to uncover the secrets of his past while battling enemies in a virus-ridden New York City.

Does Alex Mercr die in Prototype 2?

If u dont want me to spoil it for u then dont read this but yes he does die, u sever his arms off then grab his neck, pull out ur claws and tap x repeatedly and slice him (u dont see it cuz it comes from alex's point of view i dont think they want u to see ur fav character get slaughtered) then u consume him, with ll tht power, heller then releases tendrils so long and cuts through the streets of NYZ (new york zero) killing the infection, personally i think heller shoud have died doing this but he doesnt. im not sure if there is a secret ending because i played it at my friends but if there is i think we wud be surprised from what it shows

Can you die in prototype the game?

yeah you can die only if you get hit ALOT

When do you hijack a helicopter in prototype?

you do a mission which will make it possible for alex to hijack helicopters(dont know what mission it is).

How old is Alex Mercer?

Alex Mercer is a fictional character from the video game series "Prototype." His age is not explicitly stated in the games, but he is portrayed as a young adult in his 20s or 30s.