

Does American cheese mean it was made in America?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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No, it means it was made in China.

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Q: Does American cheese mean it was made in America?
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Cheese does not eat anything because cheese is not an animal. Cheese is a food product made from milk.

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The answer is yes and no - almost all cheeses are made from the products of the cheese tree, which is then refined and matured into cheese. This doesn't mean you can eat cheese straight off the cheese tree, of course!Some low quality (American and Afghan) cheeses are just made from the side products of cow milk or pig fat - these are mostly used in McDonalds and Kraft products.

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I think you mean Halloumi cheese. It is normally made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk, however can be made from cows as well.

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Colonial American were what people be lived in America colonial style. They ruled by the mean British and fed up with the King. Formed America.

Should goats cheese have an apostrophe?

It depends on how you're using it. Usually, people just say "goat cheese" to mean cheese made from goat milk. If you're talking about cheese belonging to a goat, you'd say "goat's cheese."

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You probably mean " el queso " that means The Cheese

What sport in America has the most fans?

If you mean America as in North and South America, then the sport would be soccer. If you mean America as in North America, then the sport would still be soccer. If you mean America as in the United States of America, then football (American Football) would be the answer.