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Q: Does An acute condition has a gradual onset of signs and symptoms?
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What are the symptoms of gradual onset renal vein thrombosis in adults?

In adults, when the onset of the disorder is gradual, there is a slow decrease in kidney function, and protein appears in the urine.

What is the medical definition of acute?

Acute refers to a sudden onset or short duration of a disease or condition, typically characterized by intense symptoms. It is the opposite of chronic, which refers to long-lasting or recurring conditions.

Which sudden onset condition is characterized by uremia?

ACute Renal Failure (ARF)

Does chlamydia come on suddenly or is it gradual process?

Most people with chlamydia (80-90% of females and half of males) have no symptoms of chlamydia, or symptoms so mild that they are almost unnoticed. For this reason, symptoms may be perceived as having gradual or sudden onset, depending on the type of symptom experienced. Painful urination, for instance, may appear suddenly. Pelvic pain is likely to have a more subtle and gradual onset.

What age groups does renal vein thrombosis occur in?

Renal vein thrombosis occurs in both infants and adults. Onset of the disorder can be rapid (acute) or gradual.

Is hernia a chronic disease or condition?

Hernia is almost always a chronic disease. At times hernia can have acute onset.

What is acute intrathoracic?

'acute' means the sudden onset of a disease or symptoms, as opposed to 'chronic' which refers to long term, or ongoing. Intrathoracic means within the chest or thoracic cavity (where the heart and lungs are)

What is positive schizophrenia?

People with Type I, or positive schizophrenia, have a rapid (acute) onset of symptoms and tend to respond well to drugs. They also tend to suffer more from the "positive" symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations.

Rapid onset of disease and a relatively short duration?


What does acute condition mean?

(1) Rapid onset (like a sudden heart attack), as opposed to long-term condition like arteriosclerosis or diabetes. (2) Rapidly progressing (for instance, cancer is not considered acute but if it suddenly starts spreading to other areas it could be considered acute.

What does sub-acute care mean and does it relate to mental health?

Meaning: Less than acute; relating to a disease present in a person with no symptoms of it Similar: acute (having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course) and yes sub-acute care relates to mental health.

Are herpes acute or chronic?

Herpes infection have acute onset. But the infection persist in posterior root ganglion for life time. So it can be called as chronic disease with acute onset probably.