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Q: Does Antarctica have any native ants?
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Are any native people of Antarctica?


Which country does not have ants?

There are no ants in Iceland, Greeland, and Antarctica.

What animalals are native to Antarctica?

There are no native animals in Antarctica: it's too cold to support animal life or any kind of food chain.

Why do ants only live in antarctica They burrow in the ice and make sure they get eaten?

No ants live in Antarctica: it's too cold.

What Antarctica economic system?

There is no economy in Antarctica: there are no countries or native populations to support any kind of economy.

Which native group lived in Antarctica?

Antarctica has never been populated by any humans, nor is there any permanent population there today.

What is the continent without ants?

Antarctica has no ants because it is a cold and desolate place.

What are native Antarctica called?

There are no indigenous or native people in Antarctica.

Are any animals overpopulated in antarctica?

There are no native animals on the Antarctic continent.

What color is ant Antarctica?

There are no ants in the poles.

Do imuits live in Antarctica?

No, there are no imuits in Antarctica. Nor are there any inuits: no native peoples live there -- it's too cold.

Does the dry ice in antarctica come from cars?

No. There is no native or natural occurrence of dry ice in Antarctica, nor are there any cars there.