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Q: Does Aragorn die on Lord of the Rings conquest?
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How many lord of the ring games are there?

There are various Lord of the Games. Many of them are on the computer but there are games that involve physical models. There is Lord of the Ring Strategy Battle Game (SBG) and War of the Ring (WOTR) both of these have extensive rulebooks and minitures which are sold through Games Workshop.

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How does Aragorn die in The Lord of the Rings The Return of the King?

Aragorn died after becoming king and having a son and several daughters. Aragorn had ruled justly for many years and, feeling old age coming on him, he told Arwen and his children farewell. He told his wife, "To me has been given a span thrice that of Men of Middle-earth, but also the grace to go at my will and give back the gift. Now, therefore, I will sleep." Aragorn did not wish to die when old age had made him withered and witless, so he lay down on the bed that was prepared for him and, giving the crown of Gondor to his son Eldarion, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Dunedain and of the line of Elendil, passed away from Middle-earth.

What was Frodo's special death?

Frodo does not die in the Lord of the Rings.

Who played eomer in the Lord of the Rings movie?

No, Éomer does not die during the narrative of The Lord of the Rings. In the Appendices we are told he lived a (for his people) long life, dying in his nineties.

When in Lord of the Rings did Gollum die?

When he falls in the "Cracks of Doom" with Frodo's ring finger.

Who does die in Lord of the Rings?

Boromir, Haldir, Saruman, and countless dwarves, elves, and men.

In Lord of the Rings how is the elf the daughter of an elf since elves don't die or age?

your an idiot, its not real.

When did the author of 'The Lord of the Rings' die?

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien died on September 2, 1973.

In Lord of the Rings did Celeborn die in the second movie?

No, that was Haldir, a different elf of Lothlorien who went to fight at Helm's Deep.

Does Legolas die?

He does not. After the death of Aragorn 120 years after the end of the War of the Ring, Legolas sails to the West with his dear friend Gimli.

When did Ida Conquest die?

Ida Conquest died in 1937.