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Q: Does Ativan help narcolepsy and ADHD?
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Methylphenidate is a schedule II ( ILLEGAL) drug if you do not have a perscription, It is prescribed for ADHD treatment and Narcolepsy

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Spencer was misusing 'Adderall' - a drug used to combat narcolepsy and ADHD.

Will Strattera have the same affects as adderall at 120 mg help big test tomorrow?

No it wouldn't have the same affects. Strattera is a non-stimulant, non controlled drug used for ADHD. Adderall is a stimulant and a controlled drug. I take Adderall for narcolepsy to keep me awake. Adderall can also be taken for ADHD.

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Stimulants used to treat conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy can complicate which of the following health conditions

How can adhd be treaded?

adhd can not be treated and pills or patches can help to calm you down but not cure the adhd!

Is dextroamphetimine the same thing as Vyvance?

Dextroamphetamine is the generic name for Dexedrin, Dextroam, and DextroStat. These medications are used for narcolepsy, ADHD, and sometimes short term in obesity.The generic name for Vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine dimesylate. Vyvanse is used in the treatment of ADHD.

Is narcolepsy curable?

Not at this time, no. However, there are medications that can help with the symptoms.

Can a person have both ADHD and autism?

Yes, a person (child or adult) can have both narcolepsy and ADHD. While these conditions can be independently present at the same time (i.e. one is not causing the other), it is often the case that the narcolepsy ends up creating the symptoms of ADHD. This is primarily because the poor sleep regulation and excessive sleepiness associated with narcolepsy can make it difficult to concentrate. They can also lead to various degrees of depression, which in turn can make concentration difficult. If your child has been diagnosed with narcolepsy, and you are concerned he/she may have ADHD also, you should have him/her evaluated for learning issues by a child psychiatrist. Alternatively, if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD and you now suspect narcolepsy, it would be best to have him/her evaluated by a sleep specialist. These people are equipped to administer either a sleep latency test or polysomnogram test to diagnose even mild cases of narcolepsy. Finally, if your child does end up having both narcolepsy and ADHD, you will want to monitor treatment carefully. Both disorders are treated primarily using psychostimulants like amphetamine or methylphenidate (Ritalin). The drug modafinil (Provigil) is also sometimes used to treat narcolepsy. Adequate treatment of both disorders will likely mean a higher than usual dose of stimulants (or a combination of stimulants)--definitely watch out for adverse reactions so the dose can be adjusted if necessary. If different doctors see your child for each condition, you should make sure the doctors communicate regularly to ensure they are on the same page with the chosen treatment.

Are there programs to help with adhd treatment for minors?

Yes there are several programs and support groups available to help with adhd.

How do you hurt a boy with ADHD?

you dont they have adhd they cant help being like that

Can you take adderall and nicoderm cq is it ok to mix while taking the nicoderm to quit smoking or will you have problems with that?

If you are taking Adderall because you have ADHD or narcolepsy, the first thing you need to realize that, neither the government nor doctors will tell you, is that you are smoking to combat the symptoms of your ADHD and/or narcolepsy. Nicotine is a potent stimulant that has the same effects as amphetamines on the brain. Indeed, there are a couple of scientific studies that have even recommended that a safe form of nicotine be explored for the treatment of ADHD. The effect of taking nicotine with Adderall is to potentiate (make more powerful) the Adderall.