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Q: Does CLR remove rust from concrete?
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How do you remove rust stains from concrete lions?

i have found trying baking soda made into a paste and a scrub brush. if that doesnt work CLR takes most rust stains out.

What solvent can remove rust stain?

CLR (Calcium, Lime Rust) Remover.

How can you remove rust spots on a basement carpet?

Try CLR or an OXY cleaner.

How do you remove chemical lime from windshield?

Try some CLR, calcium lime rust remover

How do you remove rust from ceramic tile?

CLR its found at most harware stores. scouring stone

How do you remove hard water stains from car paint?

Try CLR. It removes rust from many things without damage.

How do i easily remove the smell and the yellow color in my toilet?

Bleach will help with the smell. Rust removal products such as CLR can remove the stains. But, never mix the two.

what is the best way to fix the rust around the skimmer area ?

You may need to replace it but you can remove it and try CLR and then rinse it really well.

How do you remove rust from sink?

There are a number of products commercially available in hardware stores and in the cleaning product section of supermarkets. One such product is CLR which advertises for removing Calcium or Lime deposits, or Rust stains.

What is CLR cleaning clemical?

CLR is a household cleaner used for removing Calcium, Lime, and Rust. It's commonly used for Kitchens and bathrooms.

How do you remove rust from bathroom tiles?

Use limeaway (the concentrated type) or clr (concentrated). Both work pretty well. They are very strong and can be bought at home depot or lowes.

Will a metal bench leave a rust mark on my concrete?

If it starts to rust then it most definately will leave a rust mark on the concrete.