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No, also known as Zyrtec, it is a second-generation Anti-histamine. It has non pain relieving or fever reducing effects.

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Q: Does Cetirizine have fever reducer ingredients?
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Can you take cetirizine and paracetamol?

Cetirazine is an allergy medication and paracetamol is a pain medication and fever reducer. They are safe to take together.

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Shivering with fever need which medicine?

If you have a fever you need a medicine with a fever reducer. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the common fever reducers.

Is ibrupfren a fever reducer?

Yes, it's a pain killer.

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Salol is not magnetic. It is a fever reducer, and used on warts (salicylic acid).

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What is the difference between cetirizine and hydroxyzine?

Cetirizine has active ingredients of cetirizine hydrochloride. It is used in multiple allergies, idiopathic urticaria, oedema mucosal, rhinitis seasonal, blood pressure abnormal, rhinitis allergic.Hydroxyzine hcl has active ingredients of hydroxyzine hydrochloride. It is used in prophylaxis of nausea and vomiting, rash, depression, prurigo, rash erythematous, nausea.

Is Advil good for a fever?

No, Advil, or ibuprofen, is an anti inflammatory. You want a fever reducer such as acetaminophen, or more commonly known as Tylenol. If you have a fever, it is good to consult your physician as well.

What is the medicine when body becomes very hot?

You want a fever reducer, I believe Tylenol is such a medication.

Can you take a fever reducer with a cold medicine that has that in it already?

No, you'll just be double dosing yourself.

What is a Tyneol?

A Tylenol is a brand name pain reliever and fever reducer that can be purchased over the counter.

is the 44175 a nircotic?

Acetaminophen (44175) is a non-narcotic analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer).