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Yes, the script used today, a logographic system, is native to China.

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Q: Does Chinese have an ethnic script?
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What kind of alphabet do Chinese people use?

Written Chinese is not an alphabetic script.[1] Rather, it is a logographic script based on Chinese characters, though there also exist alphabetic systems to transcribe spoken Chinese.Good Characters' Chinese Alphabet SetABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

What was the Chinese language written in?

Historically, the Chinese language has been written in various scripts, including Oracle Bone Script, Seal Script, Clerical Script, Regular Script (Kai Shu), and Cursive Script (Cao Shu). Today, the most commonly used script is Simplified Chinese, which was developed in the 20th century to increase literacy rates in China.

What is a Chinese script?

A Chinese script is a writing system used for various Chinese languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, and others. It is logographic, meaning each character represents a word or a morpheme, and can be written vertically or horizontally. There are several variations of Chinese scripts, such as traditional and simplified characters.

What are Chinese characters called?

Chinese characters are called 汉字 (hànzì) in Mandarin Chinese. The term encompasses the logographic writing system used in Chinese script. Each character represents a morpheme or a syllable.

How do you say 'I don't speak Chinese' in Chinese?

Traditional script (in Hong Kong and Taiwan [ROC]): 我不會說中文 Simplified script (in mainland China [PRC]): 我不会说中文 Pronunciation (in pinyin): wǒ bù​huìshuō zhōng​wén