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No. It is present only in plants, since plants are the only living things that make their own food.

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Q: Does Chloroplasts occur in all living things?
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Respiration occurs in all living things, but photosynthesis only occurs in heterotrophic plants. (not all plants)

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All green plants have chloroplasts. They occur in the stems as well as the leaves of soft stemmed plants.

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Cells are the units of life, where the biological reactions occur that allow organisms to live. All living things are made up of cells.

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All sorts of colours, it depends on what living thing it is. Chloroplasts for example have a green pigment which reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light for use in photosynthesis.

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There cellular metabolic processes that occur in all living things refers to all chemical reactions in the cells. Cellular respiration is one such process.

What type of cell does Photosynthesis occcur in?

photosynthesis doesnt occur in a certain cell it occurs in a part of the cell called chlorophyll

Do eukaryote cells have chloroplasts?

No. Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts. Photosynthesis occurs within chloroplasts. They are found in plants and other eukaryotic organisms that undergo photosynthesis (such as algae).

What is the importance of chemistry for every living things?

Living things are composed of atoms, ions, ionic compounds, molecular compounds, and solutions in which water is the solvent. The sum total of all of the chemical reactions that occur in the cells of living things is what makes us alive.

What are the 6 characteristics of living things are?

All living things are made of cells. All living things require and use energy. All living things grow, develop, reproduce and repair themselves. All living things produce waste All living things respond and adapt to their environment. All living things have a life span.