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There are several Christian holy sites in Israel, most near to Jerusalem. Probably the most important is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, but there is also the Via Dolorossa, Golgotha, Mount Zion, Tomb of the Virgin, Grotto of Gethsemane, the Chapel of the Ascension, and the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem at St. James Cathedral. Outside of the Jerusalem area, there are a few sites in the Galilee (especially near to Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee) and there are also several ruins near Ceasarea from the time of Jesus, which many Christians find moving.

There are also some Christian holy sites close to Israel, but not in Israel. There is Mount Nebo in Jordan, the supposed resting place of Moses. There is also Saint Catherine's Monastery in Egypt which guards the supposed site of Mount Sinai.

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Q: Does Christianity have a holy site near Israel?
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I'm not sure whether you mean religions that look at JERUSALEM as a holy place, or ISRAEL as a whole?As far as I know, no religion - not even Judaism - looks at Israel in its entirety as a holy place. However, both Judaism and Muslim religions regard Jerusalem as a holy place.Jerusalem is a city claimed by both Israel and Palestine for that reason, and is therefore the site of a lot of religious animosity.Answer:Actually many Christians and Jews view the entire country as a holy place.

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Muslim AnswerThe holy land is in:Mecca where the Kaaba is located, surrounded by the Grand Mosque or Al-Masjid Al-Haram. It is the birth place of Prophet Muhammad and where Muslims go for pilgrimage (or Hajj).Medina where there is Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi (the Mosque of the Prophet) and where Prophet Muhammad is buried, andAlQods Alsharkiya (that is called in English Eastern Jerusalem) in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, where Prophet Muhammad ascended to the Heavens, by a Divine Miracle, and returned back. It is also holy land for having the main Orthodox Cathedral.Christian Answer 1As a Christian, the Holy Land is Israel with an undivided Jerusalem the most important city since Christ was born there. All this, however is not too relevant to Christians since the Holy Spirit now resides in us, not a temple made by hands.Christian Answer 2Israel is, because it was where Christ Lived on earth.Answer 4The holy land is located in the Eastern part of Jerusalem. It is a holy land for all God religions and is located withing the Palestinian Territories. There is also the holy land of Kabaa in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia.The Holy Land is more than just the "Eastern part of Jerusalem." It is ALL of Israel.

Why is the Holy Land an important site for your faith?

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