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No she doesn't because according to the Cinderella book she goes to the ball in a nice blue gown but no mask at all.

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2mo ago

No, Cinderella does not wear a mask in the original folktale. Instead, she receives a beautiful gown and glass slippers from her fairy godmother to attend the ball.

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Q: Does Cinderella wear a mask when she goes to the ball in the original story?
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The story of Cinderella is a fairytale, it is about a young girl whose father dies and is left with her wicked step-mother and her two mean step-sisters. They treat her unfairly and make her do all the chores. Then the house get an invite to the Princes ball and Cinderella really wants to go. She knows she cant as she has too many chores. Her step- sisters can go though. However, Cinderella is determined to finish her chores. Cinderellas mice friends (mice that can speak) make her a beautiful dress but on the night of the ball Cinderella goes down wearing the lovely dress and her nasty step-sisters wrip and ruin the dress as it was made from parts of material that happened to belong to her step-sisters. Cinderella is very upset and runs into the garden crying. There, her fairy godmother appears and makes her, using magic, a just as beautiful dress. Cinderella goes to the ball but her fairy godmother tells her to back for midnight. Cinderella dances with the prince and makes it home JUST in time, but on the way home she loses her glass slipper because of all the rush and running. The prince loved Cinderella and so he went round the who village letting every girl try on the slipper to see who fit into it. When he got to Cinderellas house Cinderella was locked in her room so only her step sisters tryed the slipper on. It didn't fit them, they wished it did because it would mean that they could marry the prince. Because of all the hussle the shoe breaks but, Cinderella gets out of her room and comes down with the other glass slipper. The Prince falls in love with her and they get marries and live happily ever after. THE END The story of Cinderella is a fairytale, it is about a young girl whose father dies and is left with her wicked step-mother and her two mean step-sisters. They treat her unfairly and make her do all the chores. Then the house get an invite to the Princes ball and Cinderella really wants to go. She knows she cant as she has too many chores. Her step- sisters can go though. However, Cinderella is determined to finish her chores. Cinderellas mice friends (mice that can speak) make her a beautiful dress but on the night of the ball Cinderella goes down wearing the lovely dress and her nasty step-sisters wrip and ruin the dress as it was made from parts of material that happened to belong to her step-sisters. Cinderella is very upset and runs into the garden crying. There, her fairy godmother appears and makes her, using magic, a just as beautiful dress. Cinderella goes to the ball but her fairy godmother tells her to back for midnight. Cinderella dances with the prince and makes it home JUST in time, but on the way home she loses her glass slipper because of all the rush and running. The prince loved Cinderella and so he went round the who village letting every girl try on the slipper to see who fit into it. When he got to Cinderellas house Cinderella was locked in her room so only her step sisters tryed the slipper on. It didn't fit them, they wished it did because it would mean that they could marry the prince. Because of all the hussle the shoe breaks but, Cinderella gets out of her room and comes down with the other glass slipper. The Prince falls in love with her and they get marries and live happily ever after. THE END The story of Cinderella is a fairytale, it is about a young girl whose father dies and is left with her wicked step-mother and her two mean step-sisters. They treat her unfairly and make her do all the chores. Then the house get an invite to the Princes ball and Cinderella really wants to go. She knows she cant as she has too many chores. Her step- sisters can go though. However, Cinderella is determined to finish her chores. Cinderellas mice friends (mice that can speak) make her a beautiful dress but on the night of the ball Cinderella goes down wearing the lovely dress and her nasty step-sisters wrip and ruin the dress as it was made from parts of material that happened to belong to her step-sisters. Cinderella is very upset and runs into the garden crying. There, her fairy godmother appears and makes her, using magic, a just as beautiful dress. Cinderella goes to the ball but her fairy godmother tells her to back for midnight. Cinderella dances with the prince and makes it home JUST in time, but on the way home she loses her glass slipper because of all the rush and running. The prince loved Cinderella and so he went round the who village letting every girl try on the slipper to see who fit into it. When he got to Cinderellas house Cinderella was locked in her room so only her step sisters tryed the slipper on. It didn't fit them, they wished it did because it would mean that they could marry the prince. Because of all the hussle the shoe breaks but, Cinderella gets out of her room and comes down with the other glass slipper. The Prince falls in love with her and they get marries and live happily ever after. THE END The story of Cinderella is a fairytale, it is about a young girl whose father dies and is left with her wicked step-mother and her two mean step-sisters. They treat her unfairly and make her do all the chores. Then the house get an invite to the Princes ball and Cinderella really wants to go. She knows she cant as she has too many chores. Her step- sisters can go though. However, Cinderella is determined to finish her chores. Cinderellas mice friends (mice that can speak) make her a beautiful dress but on the night of the ball Cinderella goes down wearing the lovely dress and her nasty step-sisters wrip and ruin the dress as it was made from parts of material that happened to belong to her step-sisters. Cinderella is very upset and runs into the garden crying. There, her fairy godmother appears and makes her, using magic, a just as beautiful dress. Cinderella goes to the ball but her fairy godmother tells her to back for midnight. Cinderella dances with the prince and makes it home JUST in time, but on the way home she loses her glass slipper because of all the rush and running. The prince loved Cinderella and so he went round the who village letting every girl try on the slipper to see who fit into it. When he got to Cinderellas house Cinderella was locked in her room so only her step sisters tryed the slipper on. It didn't fit them, they wished it did because it would mean that they could marry the prince. Because of all the hussle the shoe breaks but, Cinderella gets out of her room and comes down with the other glass slipper. The Prince falls in love with her and they get marries and live happily ever after. THE END