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Q: Does Clobazam cause amorphous crystals in the urine?
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What is amorphous crystals in the urine and what does it cause.?

Amorphous crystals are found in the urine samples of healthy patients and are very common in health care workers. Rarely amorphous crystals can indicate liver impairment or disease.

Is amorphous urate normal in urine?

Amorphous urates are normal in urine. There are several types of amorphous crystals, each composed of different elements and forming in specific urine conditions. Amorphous crystals are misidentified as bacteria.

What causes amorphous crystals in the urine?

it leads to stones in kidneys?

What does abnormal crystals and amorphous sediment in blood test mean?

Abnormal crystals and amorphous sediment are findings in a urine test, not a blood test. Suggests stones.

What does amorphous sediment mean?

Amorphous Crystals ¤Amorphous urates are found in acid urine. These crystals may appear pink on gross analysis and yellow microscopically (Figure 2-12). These crystals appear as granules in the urine sediment. Amorphous phosphates are found in alkaline urine. These granules are colorless microscopically and also appear granular when viewed microscopically. Occasionally amorphous material may appear in clumps or masses. It may be difficult to distinguish amorphous crystals from bacteria since they may be of the same size when viewed microscopically. However, amorphous crystals are soluble in opposing acid or alkaline solution; bacteria will not. Amorphous urates will also dissolve when heated. cited from: retrieved 4/11/2009

What is the meaning of amorphous urates in urinalysis?

Amorphous Urates indicates uric acid crystals in the urine. Higher than acceptable levels of uric acid crystals in urine can be caused by gout, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, uric acid stone, urolithiasis, and metabolic syndrome.

What causes Amorphous sediment in urine?

Amorphous sediment in urine are things like crystal phosphates, uric acid stones or calcium stones that are found in the urine. Certain amorphous sediment found in urine is normal. The cause of amorphous sediment depends on the type of sediment. For instance, uric acid stones can be caused from not drinking enough liquids.

What would cause tyrosine crystals to be found in urine?

Tyrosine crystals

Does Blue Buffalo Cat Food cause crystals in Cat urine?

Yes, in some cases Blue Buffalo Cat Food does cause crystals in Cat urine.

What is the meaning of rare amorphous urates in urine?

what is the meaning of amorphous urates :rare

What does it mean when Amorphous sediment is found in your urine?

what is the meaning of amorphous urates :rare

My dog urine looks like orange juice concentrate and is thick like that I took to Vet and she said blood and urine test were fine What could cause it He pees a lot?

He could have crystals in the urine. A vet could check for oxfilate and surfilate crystals.