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It won't necessarily make you 'slim' but it is a healthier version of Coca-Cola.

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Q: Does Diet Coke make you slim?
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Does Dr Pepper or Diet Coke make raisins come up faster?

To me diet coke will make rasins come up

Will Diet Coke float or coke float?

No, it will float in vinegar or salt though. Coke is not dense enough to make an egg float.

Why does regular coke make more foam than Diet Coke?

The sugar

Which is darker coke or Diet Coke?

Diet Coke is darker.

What acids are there in Diet Coke?

diet coke has acid in it just less than coke diet coke does not have sugar either which coke and coke zero has

Is psoriasis caused by diet coke?

Psoriasis is not typically caused by drinking diet coke. However, consuming diet coke can make psoriasis symptoms worse. Psoriasis is commonly caused by a weak immune system.

How do you make an volcano explode?

to make an volcano explode you have to put diet coke into the bottle the put some red food colouring in the diet coke so it looks like lava then put some mentos in the diet coke then sit back and watch.

Which is better Diet Coke or coke what ingredients does Diet Coke have and coke has?

diet coke doesn't have any calories so that means that there is no sugar in it which gives it the diet taste, so coke has sugar. so dose coke zero!

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Diet Coke

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diet coke

Witch explodes faster with mentos in it Diet Coke or reguler coke?

diet coke the ingredients they put in with the diet coke reacts faster then regular coke.

How would you make Diet Coke weigh the same as regular coke?

you could disolve salt/sugar into it.