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If it can be transmitted by body fluids then in some ways it is an std

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Q: Does Ebola count as an std?
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Is Ebola an STD?

Not specifically. It is an hemoragic virus transmitted by touch from an infected, symptomatic person.

C plus plus programme to count non-vowels in a file of test?

#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> int main() { size_t count=0; std::string vowels ("aeiouAEIOU"); std::ifstream ifs; ("test.txt", std::ios::in); if (ifs.bad()) { ifs.close(); std::cerr << "Invalid input file.\n" << std::endl; return; } while (!ifs.eof()) { char c = ifs.get(); if ((c>='a' && c<='z') (c>='A' && c<='Z')) if (vowels.find (c) != vowels.npos) ++count; } ifs.close(); std::cout << "The file has " << count << " non-vowels.\n" << std::endl; }

Will an infection affect decrease red blood cell count?

An infection may decrease the red blood cell count. For example, ebola will do so.

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Use the following function to count the number of digits in a string. size_t count_digits (const std::string& str) { size_t count = 0; for (std::string::const_iterator it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it) { const char& c = *it; if (c>='0' && c<='9'); ++count; } return count; }

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Why is Ebola called Ebola?

Ebola hf stands for Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever.

Why is Ebola called Ebola hf?

Ebola hf stands for Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever.

What is the C plus plus program to display fname lname age and id number of 100 students and arrange their name alphabetically?

Create a class to represent a student: struct student { string fname; string lname; unsigned age; unsigned id; }; Overload operator< to compare two student objects: bool operator< (const student& a, const student& b) { return a.lname<b.lname; } Overload std::ostream::operator<< to print a student: std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const student& s) { return os << s.fname << ' ' << s.lname << ' ' << s.age << ' ' <<; } Now you can write your program: int main() { std::vector<student> v; for (unsigned count=0; count<100;) { student s; std::cout << "Enter details for student #" << ++count; std::cout << "First name: "; std::cin >> s.fname; std::cout << "Last name: "; std::cin >> s.lname; std::cout << "Age: "; std::cin >> s.age; std::cout << "ID: "; std::cin >>; v.push_back (s); } std::cout << "Sorting..." std::sort (v.begin(), v.end()); std::cout << "\n\n"; // Print students... for (auto s : v) std::cout << s << std::endl; }

C program to calculate average using while loop?

//to calculate using while #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int count float average,sum; sum=0; count=0; while(count<N) scanf("%f",n) sum=sum+count count=count+1 } average=sum/n

What caused Ebola?

Ebola is caused by one of four Ebola viruses: Ebola Zaire (most deadly), Ebola Sudan, Ebola Cote d' Ivoire, and Ebola Reston (found in Virgina, US, not deadly to humans)

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unsigned count = 0;unsigned num=1; do { std::cout << num << std::endl; num +=2; } while (++count<50);

How do you find the frequency of positive integers using C plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<map> #include<random> #include<time.h> std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> distribution (1, 10); typedef std::map<unsigned, unsigned> freq_map; int main() { std::cout << "Program to generate 1,000,000 random numbers in the range 1 to 10\n"; std::cout << "and to print the frequency table for all numbers generated.\n\n"; generator.seed ((unsigned) time (NULL)); freq_map fmap; freq_map::iterator iter; for (unsigned count=0; count<1000000; ++count) { unsigned number = distribution (generator); iter = fmap.find (number); if (iter == fmap.end()) { fmap.insert (freq_map::value_type (number, 1)); } else { ++(iter->second); } } for (iter = fmap.begin(); iter != fmap.end(); ++iter) { std::cout << "The number" << std::setw(3) << iter->first; std::cout << " occurred" << std::setw(7) << iter->second << " times\n"; } std::cout << std::endl; }