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Q: Does Facebook still use I-frames
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Related questions

Where can you find fbml code for fan page?

Hi there, Just to get you an heads up, FBML is already phased out by Facebook but you can still create a customize landing page/tab using HTML and/or iFrames.

How can you build a virtual website for a website?

Use of iframes or frames

Can you put videos on your fan page on facebook?

Yes! You can actually upload diffrent types of video files in facebook fam page. You can also create a customize tab for your youtube videos using html/iframes.

Do you still use Facebook?

Yes, a lot of people do.

Can you still use messenger if you don't have Facebook?

Yes. You can use Messenger using a mobile phone number. Just tap the "Not on Facebook?" button.

Is Facebook still online?

Yes, Facebook is still online.

Do people still use MySpace?

No!! Facebook and Twitter are all the new rage in social networks.

How do you create good fan page in facebook?

Create and design a landing page to attract fans by using HTML or iFrames. Source relevant contents and interact with your fans. That's a good fan page, well-designed plus interactive.

How do you disable your account in teenspot because you still want to use it but not now?

It's the same as a Facebook.

Which website can you get free Facebook?

Facebook. Facebook is a free website to use

If you are 13 can you use Facebook?

Yes, if you are 13 you can use Facebook but it may be a good idea to ask your parents if you are allowed to use Facebook first. There are some people older then 13 who aren't allowed to use Facebook.

When you can use Facebook?

I believe you have to be aged 13+ to use\own a Facebook account.