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Q: Does Georgia allow garnishments of wages for credit card debt?
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Does GA allow garnishment of wages?

Yes, Georgia allows wage garnishment for various types of debts, such as child support, taxes, student loans, and court judgments. The amount that can be garnished depends on the type of debt and other factors, like the individual's income. Employers must comply with the garnishment order issued by the court.

Can your wages be garnished?

Depends on the state you live in. Most states allow wage garnishments.

Does Wisconsin garnish a spouses wages to satisfy a credit card debt?

No, Wisconsin will not garnish a spouses wages to satisfy a credit card debt. Credit cards do not generally seek garnishments unless the amount is very large.

In the state of South Carolina can your wages be garnished or bank accounts frozen for a judgment from a creditor?

NO. In S.C. they can not garnish your wages if you have a judgement of a lien. It will go on your credit report, but no garnishments.

Does Texas law allow judgments by the courts to garnish wages for credit card debt?

Yes, Texas allows garnishment of wages for credit card debit

If a credit card company has sued you and the judge has your wages garnished can you include that credit card in your bankruptcy?

Yes! That's one of the most important parts of bankruptcy filing, the Automatic Stay, which STOPS garnishments, foreclosures, etc immediately. To the extent that your wages have already been garnished, you will not get that money back.

How many different garnishments can go against your wages at the same time?

There can only be one garnishment against your wages at a time.

If you stop paying your credit cards can they come after your property?

A debt is a debt. The credit card collectors can take you to court and get a judgment on you to pay what is due. They can have your wages garnished. This is the channels they will take first. If they do not get satisfied through garnishments they can go after your property. But this is rare.

Can your wages be garnished from two different employers if one is garnished for 25 percent already in Arizona?

The only time wages can be have garnishments running concurrently is if one of the garnishments is for court ordered child support or spousal maintenance. Although in certain situations judges can allow separate creditors to garnish dual incomes, but not a dual garnishment by the same creditor.

How many garnishments can one have taken from their wages in Mississippi?

Wage garnishments for creditor debt must run consecutively (one at a time), they cannot run concurrently. The exceptions are child support garnishments and tax arrearage garnishments can be active at the same time a creditor garnishment is in affect.

Can a credit card company garnish your wages in North Carolina?

No, N.C. law does not allow wage garnishment when it pertains to credit card debt.

Can wages be garnished if you do not make enough?

Bankruptcy can actually stop wage garnishments. If you can provide proof of financial hardship, wages won't be garnished during the bankruptcy.