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It is less effective for Parkinson's disease and central nervous system diseases and ALS although it does create some improvement.

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Q: Does Gerson therapy affect Parkinson's
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Related questions

What is involved in Gerson therapy?

The central theory of the Gerson therapy is fresh juices, which should be drunk immediately after they are prepared.

Can Gerson therapy cause side effects?

Patients are warned that after detoxification by the Gerson therapy, the body becomes hypersensitive to drugs, particularly anesthetic.

What is the name of the treatment with fruit and vegetable juice?

gerson therapy

Can Gerson therapy be dangerous?

The Gerson therapy is a powerful tool for detoxification, and can produce healing crises. Most patients suffer from nausea and fevers when the initial flush of toxins is released into the bloodstream.

Who was Max Gerson?

Max Gerson was a pioneer in the world of alternative medicine. His therapy proved itself by providing a cure for just about every degenerative disease that plagues modern society

What are the side effects of Gerson diet juice therapies?

In Gerson therapy, diarrhea/nausea are part of the healing process. Also flu-like symptoms, loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness, fever blisters, perspiration, intestinal cramping, and painful tumors.

Can the Gerson Therapy work for type 2 diabetes?

Gerson therapy is a demanding regimen that may not be suitable for most diabetes patients. And the treatment is mainly for patients who wants to improve their immune system, or thoose who have some sort of degenrative disease. So I would say consult something else.

What is the schedule for drinking juice in juice therapies and particularly Gerson therapy?

The Gerson therapy is based on drinking freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juice every hour. Usually, a person would drink 13 glasses of raw carrot/apple and green-leaf vegetable juices per day.

What is Gerson therapy?

The therapy can achieve the following: detoxification , restoration of metabolic functions, enabling the digestion and elimination of cancer masses through the blood stream, and recovery of the organs, especially the liver.

Does parkinsons disease affect visa?

No not at all the you can get a visa to go anywhere with Parkinson.

Does parkinsons disease affect visa application for Canada?

As it is not a transmitted disease , it should not affect a persons visa for Canada.

What are the 3 potassium salts used in the potassium compound in the Gerson Therapy?

according to the bottle, potassium gluconate, potassium acetate, and monopotassium phosphate