

Best Answer

"One View"

Particular beliefs of this nature are dependent on how and what a person has been taught and what part of Christianity they belong to. I have been taught that if you have prayed asking for God's forgiveness and are truly remorseful, God will forgive you.

"Second View"

I don't think anyone believes in hell prior to death.

"Third View"

According to The Bible, condemnation occurs during Revelation or Judgment Day, which is interpreted in future tense. There are a few ways to try to pin an exact time down but for your particular question, numerous other considerations need to be addressed.

First you have to consider what exactly YOU percieve"hell" and "sin" to be. In biblical times, a different set of lifestyles, governments, influences, and day to day concerns were prevalent and most certainly lend to how the lessons of the Bible were communicated.

The Ten Commandments were written with the express intention of transcending this "time gap". They are fundamental / universal guides that can be utilized to build a set of morals and values, thus creating a "guide" for which our personal behaviors can be formed and individualized. The Holy Spirit is a loving kind wise and powerful force that exists in great joy and ecstasy...the Commandments are the backbone to help avoid human suffering. Suffering is like a virus that spreads and mutates. That includes self suffering!!! Guilt. Guilt is such a brilliant tool but it has been misused by some World Religions. What Jesus tried to teach us is that we can always be forgiven. No if(s) and(s) or but(s) about it. ALWAYS. Some leaders (religious or not) have tried to mask that simple fact and put the power to be forgiven outside of our own selves. In doing so, violating many of the very same commandments that were set in place by our ancestors; the first and foremost one being: Thou shalt not lie; creating suffering and helpless ignorance.

We were not meant to live in fear and disillusionment. Each of us has an unbreakable bond with the Divine God and the power to be happy. No life is without sin and God knows this. Memories and our reflection of life and it's lessons are what make us human beings; giving us compassion for others and understanding of this beautiful universe...filling us with joy and bliss. Jesus gave us each a key to Gods kingdom...the power of forgiveness.

Remember that Jesus was the son of God and spread his beliefs to all that would listen and his message was this: "Ask for forgiveness and it shall be yours". No one can ever take that from you and it's your gift. No matter what you do here on Earth or anywhere else, if you have God in your heart and you seek forgiveness and will be and always has been yours. The parody here is: if you don't know something is wrong then you don't know to ask for forgiveness. I believe that it's true..."ignorance is bliss". That is what makes sin a very personal thing that no one outside of yourself can define and thus judge. That is your unique relationship with the Divine...with God.

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Q: Does God condemn a living man's soul to hell prior to physical death because of sin?
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