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Only in one time frame because he was given the antidote to him from Trunks visiting form the future to change the past,so at least Trunks wanted to change one time frame to heaven not the nightmare he lives in now.

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Q: Does Goku take the medicine for the virus?
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How was Goku exposed to a heart virus?

Well I don't really know how goku got exposed but Trunks (A boy from the future) warns goku about the virus so Trunks gives Goku medicine wich goku uses in the middle of his virus. Goku, while fighting android 19, starts enduring the symptoms of the virus wich weekens Goku and gives 19 an oppurtunity to end Goku if it wasn't for Vegeta.

Is Future Goku dead?

Yes, Goku in Future Trunks' timeline had died of the heart virus that ravaged him.

What if you have the flu and you take an over the counter medicine and you start to feel better is the virus cured?


What are the medicine to avoid virus?

anti virus

What is the best protection from a virus?

The best protection for a virus would to take medicine. Or take an influenza shot. It is available at your local pharmacy. Drink lots of water and clean your hands.

Does goku die after he fights android 19?

no,he does not die he is revieved by his medicine

What medicine you need to take to avoid a H1N1 virus?

Tamiflu, but in Denmark swine flu has shown resistance to this.

Why does goku and piccolo have to take their driving test in dbz?

In the filler episode of dbz (Goku's Ordeal), Chi Chi made Goku and Piccolo (Goku brought Piccolo into it) take a driving test because "everyone has a lisence exept them" and was forced to take the test.

Who is stronger Goku or Phoenix?

Goku. Phoenix powers would not work and Goku would kill her before she can take his power.

Is Future dead?

Yes, Goku in Future Trunks' timeline had died of the heart virus that ravaged him.

A medicine that stops a virus from reproducing?

by people surrounded that person who got the viruse

What is a Super Saiyan's power level?

150,000,000------------24,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 that'd be too much power and is beyond SSJ4's power level Super Goku - 13,500,000 (freeza) Super Goku - 7,500,000 (heart virus) Super Goku - 65,000,000 (after hyperbolic time chamber) Super Goku - 180,000,000 (Babidi)