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Q: Does Graphite conduct electricity in all directions?
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Which form of carbon will passes electricity?

Graphene, graphite, and some carbon nanotubes can all conduct electricity.

Can the graphite content in a pencil be used as a variable resistor?

Yes, you stupid bimbo. Lead AKA amorphous graphite can conduct electricity and all that good stuff.

Does pencil lead conduct electricity?

Yes, pencil lead, also known as graphite, does conduct electricity because it contains free electrons that are able to move and carry electric current. However, its conductivity is much lower compared to metals like copper or aluminum.

What metal can't conduct electricity?

all metals can conduct electricity

Does money conduct electricity?

Yes, money can conduct electricity to some extent. This is because most coins and bills are made from metals or materials that can conduct electricity, such as copper or graphite. However, the conductivity of money is relatively low compared to other metals like silver or copper.

Will electric currents flow through a pencil?

Electric currents will not flow through a pencil because the graphite in a pencil is not a good conductor of electricity. Graphite is considered a semiconductor, so it does not allow electricity to flow as easily as a metal conductor.

What is indium ability to conduct electricity?

indium can conduct electricity. all metals can.

What are the two things metal can conduct?

All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.All metals conduct electricity.

Can Salicylic acid conduct electricity?

Salicylic acid is a weak organic acid and does not conduct electricity in its pure form. It only conducts electricity when it is ionized in water to form charged particles (ions).

Why does graphite conduct electricity whereas diamond does not and they are both allotropes?

Diamond and Graphite have 2 different structures, Diamond has a rigid tetrahedral network whereas Graphite has layers which completely changes the properties of both types of carbon. Basically graphite has free delocalised electrons which means electricity can be conducted, diamond however does not have any delocalised electrons which means it cannot conduct electricity. Both diamond and graphite are made up of strong covalent bonds which means they both have high melting points. Graphite is soft though because the layers which it is made up of slide, this makes it soft. Diamond is made up of carbon atoms close to each other and in a 3 layered cube shape which is a lot more rigid and this makes it 'the hardest substance on earth'. Hope this helps, Obrien9

What are ALL the materials that can conduct electricity?

Some materials that can conduct electricity include metals such as copper, silver, and aluminum, as well as carbon in the form of graphite. Conductivity is based on the availability of free electrons within the material to carry electric current.

Why compound does not conduct electricity?

Compounds do not conduct electricity because they are made up of electrically neutral molecules or ions that are bound together by covalent or ionic bonds, which do not allow for the flow of electric charge. In order for a substance to conduct electricity, it needs to have free moving charged particles, such as ions or electrons, which compounds generally do not have in their solid state.