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Q: Does HCG make emotionally depressed
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yes cause they are mostly skinny

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Cos emotionally depressed adults answer with random stuff (I'm only ten)

When does peer pressure affect?

It effects you emotionally, physically and it effects your diet. It also affects your mind and makes you depressed.

Are hcg diet recipes difficult?

No the HCG diet recipes are not diffictult to make. In fact, they are incredibly easy to make.

How do you describe a student emotionally?

It all depends on the student. They can be happy, sad, depressed. They are the same as everyone else. Just younger

What does it mean by emotional balance?

To be emotionally balanced. To not always be sad or depressed, or really happy, and never sad, a balance of emotions.

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Homophones does these colour make you feel depressed

Can you make yourself depressed?

Yes. It is very possible to make yourself depressed.

Can vile weather make a person feel depressed?

Yes, vile weather can make you feel depressed

Does obesity make people depressed?

It can make overweight people depressed, since some people tend to make fun of other overweight people. This doesn't mean every overweight person is depressed.

What is emotionally taxing mean?

I would take it to mean that it is a high stress situation. Maybe one that you are worrying about and it is affecting you negatively (sad, depressed, anxious).

Can yoga make you depressed?

Very doubtful. Exercise and stretching tends to release endorphins that make you feel good, not depressed.