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Q: Does HIPAA cover if person is claiming insurance claim on house and insurance company calls company to find out replacement cost?
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What is the title of a person in an insurance company who calculates the premium?

An Actuary is the person in an insurance company who calculates the premium

Do you have to pay your deductible if the accident was not your fault?

No. The other person's insurance should pay everything, including your rental car use during the time that your car is being repaired. UNLESS the person that hit you is claiming innocence and there were no witnesses. Then you may have to pay the deductible if your insurance company can not get them to pay.

Who pays for the funeral if the person has life insurance?

The insurance company.

How do you find out the insurance company of someone with just there lison plate number?

First, you cannot find out what insurance company another person uses as this is a privacy issue. If you have had an accident with this person, the insurance company will be listed on the accident report. This is your only option for getting the insurance company name, unless the person wishes to tell you.

What is an insurance subscriber?

An insurance subscriber is the person who is purchasing the insurance for themselves. An insurance solicitor is a person who works for the insurance company and sells the insurance to the subscriber.

How much can one expect from an insurance company when one was attacked by a dog and suffered permanent nerve damage to finger?

That depends, Who's insurance are you claiming for compensation? Your own medical insurance? You can expect the company to cover associated medical costs minus your deductible. If your claiming liability on the part of another person, You would receive the amount commensurate with your loss. Associated medical costs and any provable lost future earnings that result from your impairment up to the policy limits of the responsible party.

Which kind of life insurance policy protects a company from loss caused by the death of a valuable employee?

Key Man life insurance could be either on a term or permanent life plan, where the beneficiary is the employer. The funds can be used by the beneficiary company to hire and train a replacement for the key person employee.

Who is honoring National Burial Insurance Company's Burial Policies?

National Bural Insurance Company, or as originally called National Life Insurance Company was bought out by Monumental Life Insurance Company. Dealing with this company appears they are not customer friendly and pass you from person to person while each making you wait for 20 minutes..

What exactly is a life insurance company?

A live insurance company is a company that holds a "life insurance" policy on a person. The policy is taken out by a person and fees are paid. And, if for some reason the person's life ends, the policy is paid out to the beneficiaries as long as the death was not done on purpose.

What is the difference between an insurance company and a broker?

a broker sells the insurance, (is a sales person for many companies generally) and insurance company is the actual company that 'owns' the product, or company it's self........

How do you find a person's auto insurance company?

You just ask the person the name of his insurance company. If you have a legitimate need to know, there is no reason for them not to give it to you. If you have no legitimate claim, then they need not give you their insurance information.