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Yes, as soon as the HIV virus is exposed to air it dies. So dried blood and dried semen is quite safe. There is no chance of catching anything from a dry toilet seat (or even a wet one, as the virus has to get into your bloodstream, and it won't do that by sitting on it!)

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I'm not sure if it does or not, but i once heard that viruses can't live in an oxygen-rich environment, so maybe that's why.

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No it would not. Burning the virus would kill the virus so the immune system would not be able to recognise any particles as being related to HIV.

Will cold kill HIV?

The HIV virus will die immediately it is exposed to the air. So there is no danger from dried blood or dried semen. Cold will not kill HIV. It actually stabilizes it. If stored at extremely low temperatures, HIV can "live" for months.

How would HIV kill you?

The HIV virus attacks the Immune system, disabeling its defenses and leaving you open to attack from other viruses.

Does bacteria or virus cause HIV?

HIV is a virus.

Is HIV a virus or bacteria?

HIV is a virus,as its full form is human immuno virus.

What is the difference between having HIV and Aids?

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Hence, HIV in the virus and AIDS is the disease that results from the virus.

What is aids and what causes aids?

AIDS is what you get when you have the HIV virus, its the next stage of the virus and that will kill you so once you get AIDS that's it, there is no cure and no treatment for AIDS. There is treatment for HIV and Magic Johnson is the first person that i have ever heard of that announced that he had the HIV virus 15 years ago and never got AIDS but he took these drugs and it stopped him from getting AIDS but he will always have the HIV virus.