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the solution turns red and splits into two colours, red on top and yellow on bottom; after standing the top (red) layer turns colourless and opaque but there is no real reaction.

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No, hexane does not react with bromine in the absence of ultraviolet light or intense heating. Bromine typically requires the presence of such conditions to undergo a reaction with alkanes like hexane.

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Q: Does Hexane react with Bromine in the absence of ultraviolet light of intense heating?
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What wavelength ultraviolet light is best for viewing fluorescent minerals?

Short-wave ultraviolet light (UV-C, 100-280 nm) is best for viewing fluorescent minerals, as it provides the most intense fluorescence. Medium-wave ultraviolet light (UV-B, 280-315 nm) can also be used, but the fluorescence will be less intense. Long-wave ultraviolet light (UV-A, 315-400 nm) is not ideal for viewing fluorescent minerals as it may not excite the fluorescence as effectively.

What is a blue flame used for on a bunson burner?

A blue flame on a Bunsen burner is used for heating applications that require a high temperature and clean combustion, such as sterilizing, heating chemicals, or performing lab experiments that require intense heat.

Which energy releasing process does not require oxygen?

Anaerobic respiration is an energy-releasing process that does not require oxygen. This process occurs in the absence of oxygen and can be found in certain microorganisms, as well as in muscle cells during intense exercise.

What is the source of latic acid?

Lactic acid is primarily produced during intense physical activity when the body breaks down glucose for energy in the absence of sufficient oxygen. It is also produced in small amounts as a byproduct of normal metabolism in the body.

Which materials are absent when coal is formed?

When coal is formed, plant matter such as dead trees, leaves, and other vegetation is present. However, there is an absence of oxygen, intense pressure, and heat are crucial factors during the coal formation process.

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Electric arc welding produces intense ultraviolet light, which is very hazardous to eyes and skin.

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A wave diagram with a longer wavelength on the right side corresponding to the dim red sunset and a shorter wavelength on the left side for the intense ultraviolet bug light would best represent the scenario. The red light has a longer wavelength than the ultraviolet light.

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Light itself cannot necessarily destroy everything, but intense sources of light such as lasers can be focused to cause damage to certain materials by heating them. High-energy light, like ultraviolet and X-rays, can also be harmful to living cells and tissues, causing damage.

What wavelength ultraviolet light is best for viewing fluorescent minerals?

Short-wave ultraviolet light (UV-C, 100-280 nm) is best for viewing fluorescent minerals, as it provides the most intense fluorescence. Medium-wave ultraviolet light (UV-B, 280-315 nm) can also be used, but the fluorescence will be less intense. Long-wave ultraviolet light (UV-A, 315-400 nm) is not ideal for viewing fluorescent minerals as it may not excite the fluorescence as effectively.

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In areas where light is not intense, such as underground caves or deep underwater, organisms have adapted to low light levels through specialized features like bioluminescence or enhanced sensitivity to light. These environments select for organisms with unique survival strategies to thrive in the absence of intense light.

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Space is cold!Sunlight is very intense in space, causing rapid heating of exposed surfaces. Spacesuits are white to reduce this solar heating effect, but it doesn't eliminate it.

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Can the tectonic plates move rapidly?

They cant unless there was some random intense heating of the entire planet. As tectonic plates move because of the heating by the lava the lava would have to heat up intensely.

What does uv relate to?

It's related to the notification or alerting about a particular area that the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching is expected to be unusually intense compared to historical levels in that area .

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What does uv alert relate to?

It's related to the notification or alerting about a particular area that the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching is expected to be unusually intense compared to historical levels in that area .

Does infrared radiation cause burns?

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