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Jesus is God, as such He created and loves every single person on the earth, He created them and He holds them in existence. The word "gay" means that someone has chosen to live a sinful lifestyle, something that God never approves of, that is why He cast Satan into hell, even though Lucifer was the most beautiful, powerful angel that He created. So Jesus loves all people, including homosexuals, but no, He does not "like" them.

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They love the sinner (the person) but hate the sin (their actions).

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Q: Do God or Jesus like gay people?
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AnswerIf you are a Christian, why not praise God with like-minded gay people? If you regard them as sinners, remember that the gospels say that Jesus associated with sinners.

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God doesn't discriminate against Gay people, but a lot of God's followers do.

Is god mad at gay people?

No. There is no logic in thinking that God created gay people and then became mad at them for being what God created.

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No, Jesus is the Son of God/God and is sinless. He hates all sin, but will forgive sin when a person repents of their sin and accepts Jesus Christ as Savior

Is it bad to be gay to god?

Since a person is born gay, it must be the way God wanted them. Therefore is could not be against Gods law. Man wrote all religious scripture regardless of the religion so it shouldn't be taken too seriously.

Who is the god of gay people?

gay people practice all different kinds of religion. Gay people can be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics, Unitarians, Buddhists, etc. There is no god of gay people.

What would Jesus say about gay?

Jesus never said anything about gay people. Speculating what he "would have said" is futile.

If God made gays and lesbians why did he destroy them?

If God did make gays and lesbians, he made them like everyone else. But he never destroyed them. There have always been gay and lesbian people, even up to today.

Did God create gay people?

This depends entirely on what you believe about God. Most people who believe in God, believe that God created everything. Since being gay is part of nature, and not a choice, then it follows if you believe God created everything, then you must believe God created gay people.

Why does God not punish gay people?

A:Some people do claim to know the mind of God, but I doubt it. The possible reasons God does not hate gay people:God does not exist;God understands gay people and does not believe they are doing wrong;God realises that, as creator, the existence of gays is his own responsibility;God is forgiving.