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A:No. Although Lukewas written a few years after Matthew, the author was unaware of Matthew's Gospel or what had already been written about the birth of Jesus. As a result, he had no way of knowing about the wise men and could not write about them. The gospels do agree when they rely on the same sources - Mark's Gospel and the hypothetical 'Q' document.
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Q: Does Luke's Gospel record the story of the Wise Men at Jesus' birth?
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Why is the virgin birth not in Mark's Gospel?

A:Mark's Gospel was the first New Testament gospel to be written and yet contained no reference to the birth of Jesus. In the view of John Shelby Spong (Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus), neither birth story, in Matthew and Luke, contains any historical truth. Spong points out that many religions of the Mediterranean region had stories of the virgin births of their gods and godmen. The first gospel reference to the virgin birth of Jesus is in Matthew's Gospel, which refers to the Book of Isaiah as a prophecy of the birth, however Spong does not believe the author took the idea of a virgin birth from Isaiah, but that he found it useful.From this we can see that the virgin birth of Jesus was an idea that had not yet arisen at the time Mark's Gospel was written.

Which gospel writer did not include accounts of Jesus birth?

AnswerThe earliest of the New Testament gospels, now known as Mark's Gospel, did not include an account of the birth of Jesus. THese accounts were added by the authors of Matthew and Luke.The author of John knew Luke's account of the birth of Jesus, but did not include it in his gospel. In fact, he suggests that he did not even believe that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Is there any evidence that Jesus was born 25 12?

No. The gospel accounts of Jesus' birth do no mention any season.

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The Gospel of Matthew.

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AnswerLuke's Gospel says that Jesus was born during the reign of Caesar Augustus.

In the Gospel of Mark how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy?

AnswerThe Gospel of Mark does not mention the pregnancy of Mary nor the birth of Jesus.

Where was Jesus present soon after birth?

A:In Luke's Gospel, Jesus was taken son after birth to the Temple in Jerusalem, on route to the family home in Nazareth, Galilee. On the other hand, in Matthew's Gospel, the baby Jesus remained at the family home in Bethlehem until after the arrival of the wise men, when Joseph was warned to take Jesus to Egypt, for fear of King Herod.

Is the birth of Jesus described in other books of the New Testament as well as Matthew?

A:There are two different stories of the birth of Jesus - one in Matthew's Gospel and one in Luke's Gospel. The irreconcilable differences in the two biblical accounts prompted Raymond E. Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) to say that inspiration does not guarantee historicity or reconcilability -otherwise God should have inspired the two evangelists to give us the same record.

Does the New Testament begin with the birth of Jesus?

A:No. The first book in the New Testament is Matthew's Gospel, which begins with Matthew's version of the genealogy of Jesus, back through Joseph and the male line. A quite different genealogy, also back Joseph and the male line is found in Luke 3:23-38. The earliest gospel to be written was Mark's Gospel, and this begins with John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus, not with the birth of Jesus.Even earlier than the gospels were the epistles of Paul and the book of Hebrews. These do not begin with the birth of Jesus.

What is the reason for the virgin birth of Jesus Christ from a Christian standpoint?

The earliest gospel, that attributed to Mark, did not mention the birth of Jesus, and portrayed Jesus as the Son of God from the time of his baptism. The authors of the Gospels of Matthewand Luke each added material that provided an explanation of the birth and infancy of Jesus. They found that if the birth of Jesus was to be narrated and for Jesus to be the Son of God in any literal sense, then his mother Mary had to be a virgin.

What gospel views Jesus as fully human?

In Mark's Gospel, there is no suggestion of the virgin birth. God adopted Jesus as his Son, when he announced this at the baptism of Jesus. Jesus knew that, although he had extraordinary powers, he was not divine, saying (10:18), "Why call me good. There is none good but God." Jesus was fully human.By comparison, both Matthew and Luke had Jesus born by a virgin birth, with Luke saying that the Holy Ghost would "come upon" Mary. Although these gospels did not equate Jesus with God, he was more than just human. John's Gospel states that Jesus was divine and pre-existing.