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Q: Does Magellan actions provide any wisdom or any warnings for us today or for the future?
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Does the actions of Christopher Columbus provide any wisdom or any warnings for us today or for the future?

this is so stupid i hate him grrr

Does Christianity provide wisdom or warnings for the future?

It provides BOTH!

Does the actions of Captain John Smith provide any wisdom or warnings for us today or in the future?

Yes, when other people are already on the land your exploring then get of that land and find another land to explore.

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No, not according to my Weather Alert radio. There have been warnings in the past, though, and there likely will be in the future.

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What is true about Washington presidency?

His actions set an example for future leaders.

Should you keep all instructions or warnings for future use?

It is best to keep instructions or warnings so that the product can be sold or reused. They may not be use full for personal use

What are the functions of present tense?

The present tense is used to describe actions that are happening now, habitual actions, general truths, and actions that will happen in the future. It helps provide clarity about when an action is taking place in relation to the present moment.

What are present past and future tense?

The present tense expresses actions that are happening now. The past tense expresses actions that have already happened. The future tense expresses actions that are yet to happen.

What president issued warnings to European nations not to consider the America conitinent as subject for future colonization?

James Monroe

What is simple future tense difference with simple present tense?

The simple future tense refers to actions that have not yet happened but will occur in the future. The simple present tense refers to actions that are currently taking place.

When did the US go to war with Lybia?

We Haven't yet but we might in the future depending on the actions in the future