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Yes it does.

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Q: Does Mirelle birth control increase weight gain?
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Does getting the shot for birth control make your hips spread?

Getting "the shot" or Depo-Provera for birth control can increase your appetite, which can cause weight gain.

What is the best birth control pill for weight loss?

Birth control is not for weight control.

How do you prevent gain weight while taking birth control?

To prevent weight gain on birth control, don't change how much you eat or exercise. If you were gaining weight before starting birth control, you'll probably continue to gain weight after starting birth control.

How can birth control make you gain weight?

Despite old wives' tales to the contrary, birth control pills do not cause weight gain. Patients on birth control pills and patients not on birth control in controlled studies both gained weight.

How do you increase bust size fast?

Birth control

Does the birth control pill increase the risk of pregnancy?

The birth control pill decreases the risk of pregnancy. That is what it is intended to do.

Do your chances of becoming pregnant increase a week into birth control?

No, birth control decreases your risk of getting pregnant.

What birth control pill helps lose weight?

There is not a specific birth control pill that helps with weight loss. A few women with hormonal imbalances may find that weight loss is easier when taking the birth control pill, but any pill will work for this purpose.

Can weight effect birth control?

Yes it may. I have recently read that obesity can affect the effectiveness of birth control.

Can taking birth control pills result in down syndrome?

Birth control pills do not increase the risk of birth defects in babies conceived by women who are or were taking them.

What ingredient in birth control pills make you gain weight?

The Birth Control itself does not have any ingredients in it that make you gain weight. The birth control makes you crave food and its the food you eat that makes you gain weight. So when you crave the food go for something healthy to eat such as fruit.

Can you be to over weight or to tall for birth control?

what did your doctor say??