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kakashi is not the 6th hokage in naruto manga 450 it says that danzo is the 6th hokage

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Q: Does Naruto become Hokage if he does is he the sixth or is some one else before him?
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What happens in Shippuden episode 143?

Naruto fought pain because pain killed jiraiya.And naruto become the sixth hokage

Who ends up being the sixth Hokage at the end of naruto Shippuden?

The sixth hokage is Danzo.. And it's not in the end of Shippuden. Maybe naruto'll become the 7th hokage (i hope so ^^)Yep, Danzo is the 6th Hokage (I was routing for Kakashi, since Naruto is too young) I hope Tsunade wakes up and kicks Danzo's ass, or at least takes her title back and gives it to Naruto once Sasuke has killed Danzo. Fingers crossed.Yeah, I hope that too ^^ *Please let Naruto become the next hokage ^^ ^^

Does Naruto kill Sasuke on bx set 9?

no he does not.sasuke kills naruto but naruto is sixth hokage

What happens to tsunade when Naruto becomes the sixth Hokage?

naruto doesnt ever become the 6th hokage because an akasuki member call pain destroyed the village and the 5th hokage tride to save every body and ran out of chakra then went into a coma so some guy called danzou was elected hokage so naruto will be either the 7th or 8th hokage

What is the sixth Hokage's name for Naruto?

Danzo.... I believe. He becomes Hokage after Tsundae instead of Kakashi. Right now its undecided but since theirs a war going on but it if wasnt then Naruto would be Hokage

Who do you think will be homage after danzo Kakashi or Naruto?

Tsunade. She becomes well. However, Kakashi was set as a candidate for the hokage's post. Also danzo never becomes the hokage. he dies before he is officially announced as the sixth hokage.

What episode does Naruto becom the Hokage in Naruto shippuden?

Dude, you don't even know if he will. Masashi Kishimoto isn't really letting out any details, just like he won't if there is any actual romance in Naruto. There has been a lot of discusion though concerning Shikamaru, Neji, and Naruto fighting for Hokage. Besides, there is no episode for that anyway. I don't even think they have a season five for the anime and that should be like season seven or so.

What does Masashi Kishimoto think of Naruto as a character?

He is going to make Konohamaru the 7th hokage but the sixth was going to be Naruto.

Is konohamaru the seventh hokage?

No way!!! EDIT: It is possible but you won't see it because the series will end when Naruto becomes the Sixth Hokage.

How Naruto became the sixth Hokage?

Because he is all ready in line to be hokage because his dad was the 4th hokage. so he is next in line to be hokage. Kakashi is already 6th hokage. Naruto will be 7th -wait i thought danzo was the 6th hokage. or at least he was for a little while. when tsunadae was in a coma or something

Who is the sixth hukage on the show Naruto?

Danzo was selected as the official candidate for the 6th Hokage, though was killed before the role could be finalized. There is no 7th Hokage as the 5th, Tsunade, is still alive.