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North Korea doesn't hold elections. It is a single party state with a single supreme ruler acting as head of state.

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Q: Does North Korea have fair elections?
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How often are elections held in North Korea?

never, North Korea is not a democracy Elections are held in North Korea every five years. At the national level they elect a legislature called the Supreme Peoples Assembly. At the same time they also elect representatives to city, county and provincial assemblies. The elections are noncompetitive with only a previously single candidate for each office.

What is a democratic government like in Korea?

North Korea = Non-Existant South Korea = very similar to ours. Elections, winner becomes President.

Why doesn't North Korea hold elections?

because it is only a single party state, with a single supreme ruler

What countries do not have elections?

There are only seven countries in the world that do not hold any type of election. Those countries are Brunei, Eritrea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Vatican City, and Western Sahara. Many communist and authoritarian countries hold elections; however, those elections are seldom considered free and fair.

Are elections free in North Korea?

North Korea has a military government since the Korean war. Ever since it has been run by the kim family and it seems it will stay that way till the colapse of the communist regime. Therefore the asnwer is NO...

Is there a peaceful way to change North Korea's government?

Unfortunately, North Korea does not have elections like some other countries. North Korea's current leader was appointed by his father, who was dictator for much of the last half of last century. There are no elections in North Korea, and the concept would be very foreign to people who have never had their opinion asked. Their "Great Leader" as he is called, controls the media and tells the populace what to think. A few years ago, they broadcast then President Bushes golf score, but followed it with a new report that their "Great Leader" had scored 18 consecutive holes in one. Millions of North Koreans die each year of starvation. To travel to another town, one must have government permission to do so. They will only grant it with good cause, so news does not travel between villages. Their will be no elections in North Korea anytime soon.

Give a short note on free and fair elections?

A note on elections

Why was 38 degrees north latitude chosen as the dividing line of Korea?

Korea was divided at the 38th parallel in 1945 at the end of World War II. Russia and the United States agreed to act as trustees of the two sections until general elections to select a new government could be held. North Korea was permanently established as a communist state when the United States and Russia could not agree on how to set up these elections.

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How often do elections occur in Korea?

In North Korea, they never occur. The state is an absolute dictatorship. In South Korea, the Presidency is elected every five years, legislators every four years, and other more local positions at random points. So, in any five year period, South Koreans may have three different elections.

Why is North Korea is not democracy?

North Korea has a Soviet-style fake democracy. There are elections, but with only one choice, which has been pre-approved by the State. And submitting a write-in vote for someone else is a good way to get yourself sent off to a labor camp.