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Yes, they're the same. Majora's Mask is the same Link in an alternate timeline. After beating Ocarina of Time, the events of Ocarina are prevented from happening. Soon after in this new timeline the events at the beginning of Majora's Mask occur and Link is transported to the alternate world of Marjora's Mask.

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Q: Does Ocarina of time have the same link as in Magoras mask?
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What is the name of Link's horse in Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask?

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Are the songs howled by Link in Twilight Princess the same songs in Ocarina of Time?

No. Not all of them, at least. Song of Healing, the first, is from Majora's Mask, but Requiem of Spirit is from Ocarina of Time. Prelude of Light and Zelda's Lullaby are also from Ocarina of Time. Goron Lullaby is from Majora's Mask and Wind's Requiem is from Wind waker. The Ballad of Twilight, the last wolf song is from Twilight Princess though.

Who is the Skull Kid in Majora's Mask?

He is the same skull kid you give the skull mask to in ocarina of time and the same skull kid you teach saria's song. He says at the end of the game you smell like the kid that thought him saria's song in the woods and doesn't recognize you.

Is there a Majora's Mask game for GameCube?

They once released Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, The legend of zelda, and the Legend of Zelda II: Link's adventure. It was for a limited time only and the game was the exact same, no upgraded graphics or anything. If you really wanted to get it, I am sure you could find a way.l

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sadly no, some of them are the same Link though, like when it went from ocarina of time to majoros mask,or from the four swords to spirit tracks but most of them are only connected by legend. They don't even all have to be called "Link". That's part of the fun of the game. You get to name your charecter. Obviously you can't custimize it much farther than that, but it's still nice.

Do your masks have abilities in Zelda ocarina of time?

Yep. Teh Mask of Truth lets you talk to those statue thing-a-ma-bobs. Teh Zora's Mask changes the way Zora pple talk to you. Teh Goran's mask...same. Teh Gerudo get it, right?

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Zelda Ocarina of Time was created first then when people stated getting done with that they came out with Majoras Mask. Master Quest is only different in that it has harder temples and enemies. They (Ocarina of Time and Master Quest) have the same basic outline the only different thing is that it is harder...

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Deku scrubs are a species of animal in the game, so I'm not sure. Also, Majora's mask is in an alternate dimension that switched the names and roles of the characters, so it could be that dimension's deku scrub

Is the link in ocarina of time and oracle of ages the same?

To answer that simply, no. There is a sort of theory that runs around with most Legend of Zelda fans, and that is the Timeline theory. It denots that each game falls within a timeline for Hyrule, and each game is a section in that history. The main character, Link, is only the same 'person' in a few games in the series. OoT and Majora's Mask being one example, with Zelda and Zelda 2 being another.

Do both ocarina of time and ocarina of time 3d have the same secrets?

as far as I know, yes.

How do you get to the forest temple in legend of Zelda ocarina of time 3DS?

You get there the same way you do in the original version. Which is going through the Lost Woods as Adult Link. Hope this helps! :)

How do you save on The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask for GameCube?

Either play the Song of Time (which you learn after getting your ocarina back from Skull Kid) or find an owl statue (wich are activated by slashing it with youre sword). It's the same as on the N64