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He certainly improves as a hero. The Greek definition of a hero was a strong man who could defeat any obstacle. As more obstacles were thrown Odysseus' way, he proved again and again his heroism, beating cyclopes and cannibals, speaking to the dead, and saving his wife from the horrible suitors.

Whether he improves as a leader is questionable. By the end of the Trojan War, Odysseus was already a formidable leader, coordinating impressive strategies, including the famous Trojan Horse (which won the war). Throughout his travails, Odysseus actually loses his entire crew of 480 men. In several instances this loss comes from the fact that they flagrantly disobey his commands such as when they eat from Cattle of Hyperion or when they open Aeolus' bag of winds. This would seem to cast doubt on the strength and power of his continued leadership.

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