

Does Oxycontin and heroin show up the same in urine tests?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Does Oxycontin and heroin show up the same in urine tests?
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Are heroin and Oxycontin the same in a pee test?

no. Advanced tests can pinpoint the exact opiate in your blood stream

Heroin the same as oxycodone in a drug test?

they are opioid yes oxy derivatives such as oxycontin and the mother of them all, heroin are all condusive to the same result. Be it urine, panel, or swab. so if your doing any of them you will fail the same way.

Is Oxycontin more addictive than heroin?

No. Oxycontin contains oxycodone where as heroin is diacetylmorphine. Both are opiates.

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Are you shore that heroin will show the same as Oxycontin in a ua and not heroin?

the body metabolises heroin and Oxycontin in different ways. On a standard drug panel test it will light up for opiates if you have taken them, but if you take a complex blood test then they can distinguish which drug you have taken because heroin gets metabolised and leaves one metabolised form of heroin than Oxycontin does not when metabolised.

Is there heroin in oxycotton?

well heroin is opiate based and so is Oxycontin so yes they are pretty much the same drug.

Is mscontin the same as Oxycontin on urine drug test?

no ms contin is morphine sulfate and Oxycontin is oxycodone while mscontin will show up as an opiate the Oxycontin shows up as oxycodone

Are there any prescription medications that result in the same behavior as heroin addiction IE sleeping on the feet and having sugar cravings?

I'm sure Oxycontin can have the same behavioral annotations as heroin. It is a very strong opiate pain killer, and is considered "heroin equivalent" to many.

Will Oxycontin and Demerol show up same drug screen?

Usually drug tests only test for the metabolite of opiates in your urine. So yes oxycodone will show up in a urine based drug test. Demerol being fully synthetic on the other hand may not.

If you inject Oxycontin will it look the same in urine test as same mg swallowed?

Yes. Exactly the same. But I wouldn't recommend doing it.

Where is there a drug rehab that specializes in treatment of Oxycontin?

Treatment for all opioid drugs, from Oxycontin to heroin is the same. Any competent treatment center can do it. Look for one that offers in-house Suboxone detox or the equivalent.

Does hydros and perks show up the same in a urine test?

Yes. They both shows up the same - as opiates (same as heroin)