

Does PC reduce sperm count

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes you can have a low sperm count if you are a regular user of a labtop for long periods. It is the radiation that is responsible.

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Q: Does PC reduce sperm count
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No, eating polos will not lower your sperm count. How ever eating a fatty diet can reduce a mans sperm count by 40%

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Yes, a lack of sleep can have a negative effect on a male's sperm count. It has been reported that a lack of sleep can reduce a man's sperm count by a third.

Does mint affect ones sperm count?

No. This is a very common myth related to sperm count. Documented causes of reduced sperm count are sitting in a hot tub, wearing tight undies, caffeine and some drugs can reduce sperm count.

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No asthma medicine will not reduce your sperm count anyway.

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1) working in hot environment continiously. 2) wearing tigt undergarments.

is it true a waterbed will make you loose your sperm count?

The heat from a heated waterbed can reduce sperm count by 10%. Thats not enough to affect anything.

Does high blood pressure medication reduce sperm count?

No. By the time you get blood pressure, your sperm count becomes naturally low due to advanced age.

How man can weaken their sperm?

It's often said that cigerette smoking and tight boxers can reduce sperm count.

How do you get lowest sperm count?

You can get a vasectomy and have 0 sperm cells in your semen. To reduce the count you can add stress to your body, wear tight underwear or have one of your testicles cut out.