

Does Phytophthora bacteria need oxygen

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Two errors in this question:

1. bacteria is plural, hence "Do ...bacteria..." would be correct.

2. Phytophthora is not a bacterium, but a eukaryote.

And yes, they need oxygen.

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Q: Does Phytophthora bacteria need oxygen
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What are bacteria that cannot live without oxygen called?

Bacteria that must have oxygen to survive are called obligate aerobes. Some bacteria can live with or without oxygen and are called facultative anaerobes.Anaerobes = No oxygenAerobes = Oxygen

Do all bacteria must use oxygen to break down food and energy?

Some bacteria need oxygen to survive, while others would find it poisonous. Bacteria that need oxygen to survive are commonly referred to as aerobic bacteria while bacteria that does not require oxygen are anaerobic. There are also bacteria that are classified as facultative anaerobes, this type of bacteria do not require oxygen to survive but prefer to have it.

Is tetano a virus?

No it is ananaerobic bacterium, in other words a bacteria that does not need oxygen

What bacteria can survive without the presence of oxygen?

Archaebacteria called extremeophiles have some species that live entirely anaerobically. Bacteria [and other organisms] that respire using O2 as the 'final' electron acceptor are termed to be Aerobic, while bacteria [and the odd organism] that has the biochemical capacity to Live without O2 are termed to be Anaerobic.

What are the conditions bacteria require for multiplication?

It all depends on the bacteria. Some require oxygen, some no oxygen and some only a little. They need certain food types (substrates) and certain chemicals.It all depends on the bacteria. Some require oxygen, some no oxygen and some only a little. They need certain food types (substrates) and certain chemicals.

Related questions

What bacteria don't need oxygen to grow?

Anaerobic bacteria don't need oxygen to grow.

What kind of bacterium reqires oxygen?

Aerobic bacteria require oxygen.

What are bacteria that cannot live without oxygen called?

Bacteria that must have oxygen to survive are called obligate aerobes. Some bacteria can live with or without oxygen and are called facultative anaerobes.Anaerobes = No oxygenAerobes = Oxygen

Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic organisms?

Aerobic bacteria need oxygen, while anaerobic bacteria do not need oxygen to survive. They both are bacteria and obtain food in one way.

. How do aerobic bacteria differ from anaerobic bacteria?

aerobic bacteria use oxygen based respiration, anaerobic bacteria use either nonoxygen based respiration (e.g. nitrogen, sulfur) or fermentation.

Do all bacteria must use oxygen to break down food and energy?

Some bacteria need oxygen to survive, while others would find it poisonous. Bacteria that need oxygen to survive are commonly referred to as aerobic bacteria while bacteria that does not require oxygen are anaerobic. There are also bacteria that are classified as facultative anaerobes, this type of bacteria do not require oxygen to survive but prefer to have it.

When was Phytophthora citricola created?

Phytophthora citricola was created in 1927.

When was Phytophthora inflata created?

Phytophthora inflata was created in 1949.

When was Phytophthora kernoviae created?

Phytophthora kernoviae was created in 2003.

When was Phytophthora alni created?

Phytophthora alni was created in 1995.

Do Bacteria breath oxygen?

Bacteria do not breathe in the sense that we do, but many do require oxygen. These are called aerobic bacteria. Some bacteria will use oxygen if it is present, but can function without it. These are called facultative anaerobes. Still other bacteria will die if exposed to oxygen. These are called obligate anaerobes.

How is oxygen created?

oxygen was created by trees.Trees were created from bacteria and living organisms.Trees create oxygen that we need to survive.