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Q: Does Prince William have a widows peak?
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Related questions

What is the duration of Widows' Peak?

The duration of Widows' Peak is 1.68 hours.

When was Widows' Peak created?

Widows' Peak was created on 1994-05-13.

Is a curved hairline a widows peak?

No, a widows peak is when the front of your hair is in a V shape, receding hairlines create "widow's peak"

Who has the longest widows peak?

I do.

Where is Widows Peak located on a map?

Widow's Peak is a term used to describe a V-shaped point in the hairline at the center of the forehead. It is a physical feature on a person's head, not a geographical location that can be pinpointed on a map.

Are widows peaks good or bad luck?

Widows peak is regarded as good luck, indeed a person(especially men) with widows peak are very successful and a GOOD LUCK CHARM.

What is widows peak on a zebra?

A widows peak, as it relates to hair, refers to the scalp hair around the forehead coming to a "V" at the center of the forehead.

If both of your parents don't have widows peaks is it possible for you to have a widows peak?

yes. without a doubt. the trait could come from anyone in your family who has had a widows peak. this includes grandparents and great grandparents.

What Is the widows peak on a human?

bald spot

What percentage of the world has widows peak?

99.9 %

Does severus snape have a widows peak?

He does in the movies.

If the mother is heterozygous for a trait like widows peak what are the chances that the eggs she produces will have the gene for a widows peak?

Half her eggs will have the widow's peak gene, and the other half will have the other allele, so it's 50%.