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Yes, he felt that Obama represented change within American-Russian relations

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Q: Does Putin like Obama
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How do Barack Obama an Vladimir Putin compare?

Both are dictators, both hate the United States. Both of these leaders have worked with Iran to help them with their nuclear bomb. Putin is very athletic, Obama much less so. Putin is a capitalist, Obama a socialist. Putin is very popular with is constituents, Obama not so much. Obama goes on frequent apology tours and bows to foreign leaders. Putin bows to no one.

Can Vladimir Putin save Obama in the budget crisis like he did with Syria?

Vladimir Putin certainly could save Obama again as he did in Syria and Iran but remember he has his own country to run. He does not have time to save Obama everytime he stumbles or bumbles. Putin stopped the Obama's madness in the attempted attack on the Syrians to prevent a third World War. Obama's distruction of the USA economy likely will not hurt anyone outside the U.S. and would not show up on Putin's crisis radar screen. Until Obama threatens other countries Putin will not get involved. Also don't expect Russia to bail the USA out.

Did Presidents Putin and Obama create the Ukraine Crisis to get distract people from the Obamacare disaster?

In a word yes. Both presidents are Progressives and they seem to have a great affinity for one another. President Putin, as the senior partner have been mentoring and protecting Obama since Obama was elected. Last year Putin saved Obama from his ill-advised "Red Line" policy in Syria. President Obama's single minded focus has been promoting the Affordable Care Act. Putin has been helping Obama on the international stage by moving into geographical areas that Obama wants to abandon. Also Putin offered Edward Snowden sanctuary which gave Obama an out on that crisis. Recently the Right Wing in U.S. (no friend to Obama or Putin) have been attacking the Affordable Care Act. Putin stage a fake crisis in Crimea to distract these mutual enemies. This will give president Obama the opportunity to complete the deployment of Obama care. If necessary President Obama will give Putin all of Ukraine.The only short term casualty is Secretary of State Kerry's Global Warming initiative.

Will President Obama honor Putin's order to evacuate Syria?

NO. Putin gave no such order and Obama has actually increased US presence in Syria over the llast year. The exact opposite has happened, with Putin primarily withdrawing from Syria.

How are Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama alike?

Both Putin and Obama are human beings, and they are both heads of state.It's not clear that the two men have much in common, and they certainly do not seem to like each other very much. Perhaps the one trait they both share is self-confidence. But other than that, it is difficult to see the similarities between President Obama and President Putin. People who dislike Mr. Putin say he is a dictator and tries to repress anyone who disagrees with him. People who dislike Barack Obama say he too is a dictator, but while this is typical rhetoric for partisan talk shows, in reality, Mr. Obama is far from a dictator-- he has not jailed his opponents, nor has he stopped the media from criticizing him-- while Mr. Putin has done both of these things.

Will President Obama stand firm with Vladimir Putin on maintaining Ukraine in the Russian Sphere of Influence?

Yes. President Obama made clear to then President Medvedev (now Prime Minister) that he could work more closely with the Russians after Obama won re-election. President Obama has been true to his word and has been a close ally with President Putin in Syria, Iran, Egypt, Venezuela, Cuba, and Ukraine. President Obama would also like to work with Putin on eliminating U.S. nuclear weapons but the Republicans will likely block this initiative.

What are the political differences between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin?

socialist and capitalist

Did Obama donate Alaskan islands to Putin?

No, Obama did NOT give away any American land, islands, or territories to Russia.

Was it wise for President Obama to order Putin to send troops to Syria?

Obama never ordered Putin to send troops to Syria, so this is non-issue. However, if he did so, it would be unwise since Putin would buttress the Assad Regime against the US interest in supporting the Free Syrian Army.

Has Obama ever refused a dinner meeting with Putin?

Well he hasn't denied any diner meetings, but he didn't go to a summit to meet with putin over Snowden.

Are Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama alike?

No, by no means. Obama is an intellectual, a civil rights and Constitutional law attorney. Obama rose fast within US politics. Putin is also an intellectual (so perhaps one similarity), but is a former KGB operative. While little detail exists regarding his 16 years of service to the Russian secret police, it is not likely that civil rights were high on his agenda. Putin rose slowly within the adminstration of the new Russian government. Obama comes from a protected childhood and adolescent development. Putin comes from a legacy of kill or be killed.

Who would win in a fight between Putin and Obama first without nukes and then if each were allowed to bring his country's nukes to the table?

Putin, cause nobody in Russia holds him back. Obama, however, most defiantly would lose the nuke-fight